Oferty pracy

Tytuł Termin nadsyłania aplikacji
Stażysta podoktorski (adiunkt) w Laboratorium Kwantowej Informacji i Wnioskowania Statystycznego 05/04/2020
Adiunkt w Interdyscyplinarnym Laboratorium Modelowania Układów Biologicznych 31/03/2020
Visiting researcher (postdoc) in the Quantum Optical Technologies Project 31/03/2020
Postdoc in the Quantum Optical Technologies Project 31/03/2020
Postdoc in the Laboratory of the Molecular Biology of Cancer 25/03/2020
PhD Student in the Laboratory of Stem Cells, Development and Tissue Regeneration 18/03/2020
Adiunkt w Laboratorium Chemii Bioorganicznej 12/03/2020
Specialist in the Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies 12/03/2020
Doktorant w Laboratorium Sygnalizacji Molekularnej i Komórkowej 01/03/2020
Undergraduate student in Chemical and Biological Systems Simulation Lab 21/02/2020
PhD student in Laboratory of Functional and Structural Genomics 19/01/2020
PhD student in Quantum Resources and Information Laboratory 18/01/2020
Student in Laboratory of Paleogenetics and Conservation Genetics 17/01/2020
Postdoct in Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling 31/12/2019
Postdoc in ReMedy (Laboratory of Structural Cell Biology) 15/12/2019
Postdoc Position at the Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies in Warsaw, Poland 08/12/2019
PhD student in „ReMedy” International Research Agenda Unit 08/12/2019
PhD student in Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology 07/12/2019
Specjalista inżynieryjno-techniczny 06/12/2019
Administrator IT 29/11/2019