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Interview with Prof. Konrad Banaszek on the future of quantum technologies in Poland

Prof Konrad Banaszek, PhD, head of the Quantum Technologies Laboratory at the UW's Centre for New Technologies, gave an interview to the Polish Press Agency on the future of quantum technologies.


Prof Joanna Sulkowska has been awarded an EMBO Advanced Collaboration Grant

Professor Joanna Sułkowska, head of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Modelling of Biological Systems at the UW's Centre for New Technologies, has been awarded an EMBO Advanced Collaboration Grant.


CeNT researchers in the WOOLRHINOPOLI research project

The evolutionary history of the woolly rhinoceros, one of the representatives of the extinct Pleistocene megafauna, is still insufficiently known in Europe and especially in Poland. A joint attempt to unravel this mystery has been made by scientists from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Centre fof New Technologies at the University of Warsaw (CeNT UW) as part of the WOOLRHINOPOLI project.



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