
Regulation of the Director of the Centre of New Technologies regarding the status of Core Facility at CeNT UW. From 28/07/2020 Regulation No. 1/2020 regarding the status of Core Facility at CeNT UW is in force. Director CeNT UW appointed coordinators of two laboratories. Dr. Jeff Palatini became the coordinator of the Genomics Core Facility and Prof. Dr Hab Krzysztof Woźniak became the coordinator of the Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility. >>
Superconductivity at record-high temperature. Scientists have for the first time estimated the temperature at which superconductivity can be achieved in silver-fluoride-based superconductors. The obtained value of about 200 K (negative 73 deg. C) is substantially higher than the experimental record held by copper oxides – 135 K (negative 138 deg. C). Prof. Wojciech Grochala and his research team at […] >>
Publication of Adam Grzelak, PhD, recognized as editor’s suggestion in Physical Review Materials. We are pleased to announce that the publication of Adam Grzelak PhD, and co-authors from Professor Grochala’s team of the Laboratory of Technology of New Functional Materials, CeNT UW, has been recognized as editor’s suggestion in the Physical Review Materials journal, published by the American Physical Society (APS).   You can read the work by […] >>
REGULATION OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENTER OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES On 28.07.2020 REGULATION No. 1/2020 on the establishment of specialized laboratories was issued by the Director of the Centre of New Technologies.   We encourage all interested parties to read the contents posted (Polish version only).           >>
Statement on the ReMedy International Research Agenda. In response to the information on the functioning of the ReMedy International Research Agenda that appears in the public space, we publish the University’s position on this matter. The Rector maintains all the University’s reservations regarding the functioning of ReMedy within the university structures. They concern the discrepancy between the assumed goals of the ReMedy […] >>
The prize for the best biochemical research carried out in a Polish laboratory goes to the team of Prof. Magda Konarska. We are pleased to inform you that researchers of the Laboratory of RNA Biology of prof. Magda Konarska: Katarzyna Eysmont, Katarzyna Matylla-Kulinska, Agata Jaskulska, Marcin Magnus, received the Jakub Karol Parnas Award from the Polish Biochemical Society for the best experimental work “Rearrangements within the U6 snRNA Core during the Transition between the Two Catalytic […] >>
Dr. Michał Parniak the laureate of the Polish National Quantum Information Centre Award. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Michał Parniak is the laureate of the Silver Award of the Polish National Quantum Information Centre (KCIK) for the best PhD thesis entitled “Multimode Quantum Optics with Spin Waves and Photons”, defended in Poland in 2019.  KCIK awards are presented in the following categories: Golden Award (international!) – […] >>
PhD students from CeNT on the list of NAWA awards. We are pleased to announce that two PhD students from CeNT, Miriam Izzo from the Solar Fuels Laboratory and Michela Corsini from the Wild Urban Evolution and Ecology Laboratory were among the winners of the scholarship of Iwanowska NAWA. The scholarship will allow them to do an internship in leading scientific institutions of the world […] >>
An article by them team from Laboratory Molecular Basis of Synaptic Plasticity. We are pleased to announce that the work of the team from the Laboratory of Molecular Basics of Synaptic Plasticity has been published in the journal EMBO Reports.  The work is available: Abstract: Synapses are the regions of the neuron that enable the transmission and propagation of action potentials on the cost of high […] >>
Minister’s scholarships for outstanding young scientists 2020. On June 17th, the Minister of Science and Higher Education announced a list of scholarship winners for outstanding young scientists. Scholarships are awarded to people with extensive variety of publications and innovative research. The winners of the Minister’s scholarship for outstanding young scientists from CeNT are: Jan Kołodyński, PhD, Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, in […] >>