Laboratorium Fotosyntezy i Paliw Słonecznych

W Laboratorium Fotosyntezy i Paliw Słonecznych prowadzimy zaawansowane badania biochemiczne, biofizyczne i elektochemiczne nad pierwotnymi procesami konwersji energii słonecznej w wysokostabilinych makromolekularnych kompleksach pigmentowo-bialkowych: fotosystemie I (PSI) i fotosystemie II (PSII). Głównym celem tych fundamentalych badań jest określeniem molekularnych mechanizmów fotoprotekcji aparatu fotosyntetycznego w modelowych ekstremofilnych mikroalgach (C. merolae, T. elongatus itp.) poddanych działaniu ekstremalnych bodźców środowiskowych.

Równolegle, zajmujemy się konstrukcją fotoogniw paliwowych zbudowanych z biologicznych i biomimetycznych katalizatorów do utleniania wody i wytwarzania tzw. paliw słonecznych (wodoru i odnawialnych paliw węglowych) pod wpływem absorpcji światła widzialnego. Prace te mają charakter wysoce interdyscyplinarny i prowadzone są w ramach międzynarodowych konsorcjów EuroSolarFuels/Solarfueltandem (lata 2011-2014) oraz PolTur/GraphESol (lata 2016-obecnie) zrzeszających czołowe laboratoria naturalnej i sztucznej fotosyntezy. Używamy metod biochemicznych (AEC, IMAC, SEC, BN-PAGE, Western blotting, frakcjonowanie na gradientach sukrozowych itp.), biologii molekularnej, spektroskopii absorpcyjnej i fluorescencyjnej, bioinformatyki, elektrochemii oraz metod inżynierii materiałowej do syntezy substratów elektrodowych o ściśle określonej nanoarchitekturze.

Współpraca międzynarodowa:

  • Kasim Ocakoglu, Mersin University, Turcja
  • Roman Kouřil, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czechy
  • Radek Kaňa, Czech Academy of Sciences, Trebon, Czechy
  • Dwayne Miller, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Niemcy
  • Johannes Messinger, Uppsala University/Umeå University, Szwecja

Współpraca krajowa:

  • Sebastian Maćkowski, UMK, Toruń
  • Bartosz Trzaskowski, CeNT UW, Warszawa
  • Dorota Pawlak, CeNT UW/ITME, Warszawa
  • Anna Śrębowata, IChF PAN, Warszawa
  • Adam Kubas, IChF PAN, Warszawa
dr hab. Joanna Kargul , prof. ucz.
telefon: +48 22 55 43760
pokój: 02.171/ 02.130

Associate Professor Joanna Kargul

Head of the Laboratory of Solar Fuels at the Centrum Nowych Technologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. She obtained a PhD in Biological sciences in 1999 from the University of Warwick, UK. Postdoctoral research conducted in the group of James Barber at Imperial College London, UK led to several discoveries of novel molecular mechanisms of photosynthetic adaptation to changing environment (e.g. dissecting the molecular components of state transitions) and refining the crystallographic structure of the PSII oxygen evolving complex. Habilitation in 2009 from the University of Warsaw (UW). Since 2011 Associate Professor having established an independent research group at the UW. In 2011 Prof. Kargul established a node for solar fuels research in Poland and has led several projects on application of robust natural light-harvesting molecular nanomachines for construction of biohybrid solar cells and solar-to-fuel devices. She has extensive experience and success in leading several national and international initiatives (e.g. Founding Partner of ESF EuroSolarFuels and H2020 SUNRISE consortia; Member of Scientific Executive Board of SUNERGY large-scale initiative) as well coordinating the bilateral Polish-Turkish consortium POLTUR/GraphESol which have all been focused on natural and semi-artificial solar energy conversion systems. She serves as the International Ambassador of the British Biochemical Society and serves on several editorial and strategic boards of the funding bodies (e.g. IJBCB, J Nanotech, Grants Committee of the Biochemical Society (UK), NAWA programme of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Expert in NZ1 Panel of the National Science Centre). Prof. Kargul’s highly interdisciplinary research spans structural biology, biochemistry, plant physiology, electrochemistry, biophysics and material science. In her current research she focuses on structural and mechanistic aspects of the function and adaptation of the natural photosynthetic apparatus in extremophilic cyanobacteria and microalgae. She and her group apply this fundamental knowledge for construction of biohybrid solar-to-fuel devices incorporating photosystems and various conductive and semi-conductive materials (e.g. graphene, silicon, hematite etc.). Over 60 publications including papers in EMBO J, Plant Cell, JBC, Advanced Functional Materials, J Mat Chem A and C, RSC Adv, with the Google Scholar h-index: 19; >2100 citations w/o self-citations; >60 international invited talks including 4 plenary lectures.




1 Sep 2011 – to date     Associate Professor, University of Warsaw

20 April 2009                 DSc (Dr hab.) in Biological Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Habilitation thesis: “Supramolecular organisation of Photosystems I and II in differential redox conditions”

13 July 1999                  PhD in Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, UK.

Thesis: “Biochemical characterisation of the AUX1 protein from Arabidopsis thaliana”.

17 June 1993                MSc in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (First Class Hon), University of Warsaw, Poland.

Thesis: “Oxygen evolution and lipid hydrolysis in thylakoids of chilling-sensitive and chilling-resistant plants”.


Sep 2014 – to date        Associate Professor/Head of the Solar Fuels Lab, Center of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland

Sep 2011 – Aug 2014    Associate Professor/Group Leader, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland

May 2001 – Aug 2011    Senior Research Fellow, Division of Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College London, UK

Nov 1998 – April 2001    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biophysics, Imperial College at Wye, UK

Aug 1992 – Aug 1994    Research and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland


January 2020                Nomination to the Polish Award of Intelligent Development 2020; category: Scientist of the Future

June 2019                     Awardee of the Premium on Horizon 2 (Premia na Horyzoncie 2), Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Jan 2018 – Jan 2019     The University of Warsaw Rector’s Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements

June 2016                     Awardee of the NCN “Grants for Grants: promoting quality II” („Granty na granty: promocja jakości II”)

Aug 2011 – to date        Honorary Fellowship, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College London

Sep 2005 – to date        Honorary Research Fellowship, Department of Medicine, University College London, UK

Oct 1994 – Sep 1998     PhD Wolfson Research Scholarship, University of Warwick, UK

Feb 1992 – Jun 1992     TEMPUS Scholarship, University College of North Wales, Bangor, UK


2019                             Principal Investigator of the Polish National Science Centre OPUS17 grant (Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland) “Characterisation of the molecular mechanisms of heavy metals adaptation in extremophilic red microalgae Cyanidiales” (years 2019-2022; 2,351,920 PLN)

2019                             Founding Partner of H2020 SUNRISE Coordination and Support Action: “Solar Energy for a Circular Economy” (March 2019 – February 2020, 1,000,000 EUR in total, incl. 33,125 EUR to Joanna Kargul) see:

2018                             Principal Investigator of the Polish National Science Centre OPUS14 grant (Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland) “Design and optimisation of molecular interface for efficient electron transfer within photosystem I-based photovoltaic devices” (years 2018-2021; 2,017,600 PLN)

2016                             Coordinator/Principal Investigator of the Bilateral Polish-Turkish Project POLTUR/GraphESol awarded by NCBiR/TUBITAK (consortium of Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Nicolaus Copernicus University and Mersin University) “Graphene-derived electrodes for bio-inspired solar-fuel device” (years 2016-2019; 850,000 PLN)

2015                             Principal Investigator of the Polish National Science Centre OPUS8 grant (Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Poland) “Structural and functional characterisation of the photosynthetic apparatus of an extremophilic red microalga Cyanidioschyzon merolae” (years 2015-2018; 1,671,356 PLN)

2014                             Scientific supervisor of the Polish National Science Centre PRELUDIUM grant (Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland, awarded to Mr Julian Janna Olmos, my current PhD student) “Investigation of amino acid linker-specific dependence of electron transfer between cytochrome c553 and photosystem I from an extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae on a p-doped silicon electrode” (years 2014-2016; 99,810 PLN)

2013                             Co-Investigator of the Polish National Science Centre OPUS grant (Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland) “Developing of a stable transformation system in an extremophilic unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D” (years 2014-2015; 878,010 PLN)

2011                             Principal Investigator of the EuroSolarFuels/European Science Foundation grant (Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland) “Development of self-organised catalyst using highly robust PSI particles from extremophilic red alga C. merolae for sustainable H2 production” awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (years 2011-2014; 1,992,212 PLN)

2007                             Named Main Researcher of the EPSRC grant (Imperial College London, UK) “New and Renewable Solar Routes to Hydrogen Energy” (years 2007-2012; 4,200,000 GBP)

2011                             The Biochemical Society General Travel Grant

2006                             The Biochemical Society General Travel Grant

2004                             The Royal Society Conference Grant

2004                             The Biochemical Society General Travel Grant

2000                             The Biochemical Society General Travel Grant

1997                             The Society for General Microbiology President’s Fund Travel Grant



Member of SUNERGY Scientific Executive Board.

Senior Editor, International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology.

Editorial Board member: Int J Mol Sci and J Nanotech.

Elected member: The Biochemical Society (International Local Ambassador for Poland; Member of the Grants Committee), American Society of Plant Biologists, The International Society of Photosynthesis Research, The Science Advisory Board.


External Reviewer for H2020 MSCA-IF (Individual Fellowships) 2017 proposals;

NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) External Reviewer of the Discovery grants;

Reviewer of applications within the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Veni 2011-2016 ALW, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research;

Reviewer evaluating research grants submitted to Poland’s National Centre of Science (NCN, the main Polish Research Council), Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Diamond Grants) and NAWA mobility grants. Expert panellist (NCN NZ1 Panel) in 2020;

Senior Editor, Int J Biochem Cell Biol, coordinating peer review and making editorial decisions on over 50 original research papers per year;

Regular referee for Plant Physiology, The Plant Cell, Scientific Reports, The International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Dalton Transactions, PLOSOne, SpringerPlus, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Nano Microletters, Nanoscale Research Letters, Photosynthetica, Biointerphases, Advanced Nanomaterials, and Journal of the Royal Society Interface;

Referee and Opponent for the PhD theses of Dr Kiran Sunku (Leiden Uni., the Netherlands) and Dr Sebastian Pintscher.


Jun 2018 – Sep 2019     Supervision of a PhD student to investigate molecular mechanisms of heavy metal adaptation in red microalgae.

Oct 2016 – present        Supervision of a PhD student to construct a viable biohybrid graphene photoelectrode.

Aug 2016 – Sep 2016    Supervision of a BSc student from Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw to conduct a summer project on investigation of photoprotection mechanisms in Cyanidioschyzon merolae.

May 2016 – Aug 2016    Supervision of 4 high school students (awardees of National Foundation for Children scholarships) to conduct internship in the Solar Fuels Laboratory, Centre of New Technologies.

Nov 2015 – present       Supervision of a PhD student to investigate molecular mechanisms of photoprotection in photosynthetic apparatus of Cyanidioschyzon merolae.

Jul 2015 – Oct 2015       Supervision of 4 EUROPA 2020 undergraduate students from Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Jul 2015 – Sep 2015      Supervision of the ERASMUS student from Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria. Project title: “Construction of the p-doped silicon biohybrid photoelectrode using highly robust photosystem I from Cyanidioschyzon merolae

Jan 2014 – present        Invited TEMPUS lectures on natural and artificial photosynthesis, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland

Oct 2013 – to date         Lecturer of the course: Perspectives of Modern Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw

Sep 2011 – to date        Supervision of a PhD student to develop bio-inspired nanodevices producing molecular hydrogen. Supervision of an MSc student and a BSc student, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw.

Oct 2009 – March 2010  Supervision of an MSc student to develop a chloroplast transformation system in a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae, Division of Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College London.

May 2007 – Jun 2007    Supervision of a BSc Biotechnology student to purify and biochemically characterise His-tagged Photosystem II with Sr2+ replacing Ca2+ in the catalytic site of the water-splitting enzyme, Division of Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College London.

Jun 2006 – Sep 2006     Supervision of an exchange student from Tokyo Institute of Technology to conduct 3D crystallization of Photosystem II with strontium replacing calcium in the oxygen evolving centre, Division of Molecular Biosciences, Imperial College London.

Mar 2006                      Tutor of 35 1st year PhD students within Imperial College London Graduate School (Faculty of Life Sciences, Research Skills Development Course).

Oct 2002 – Oct 2007      Imperial College London.  Co-supervision of two PhD students to conduct projects on (i) genetic and biochemical manipulation of hydrogen gas production by green algae (ii) 3D crystallization of Photosystem II (water-splitting enzyme).  Training of a junior post-doctoral research associate in structural studies of photosynthetic macromolecules. Co-supervised undergraduate projects (3 in total).

Sep 1999 – Aug 2000    Imperial College at Wye.  Supervision of a BSc student to conduct a final year project on identification and biochemical analysis of novel mechanisms of plant responses to drought stress.

Oct 1996 – May 1997     University of Warwick, Department of Biological Sciences.  Report marking, tutorials, design and running laboratory practical courses for undergraduate/graduate students (Plant Biochemistry/Physiology Modules).

Oct 1992 – May 1993     University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology. Tutorials and running laboratory practicals for undergraduates (Protein Biochemistry and Enzymology Modules).



Publications after habilitation:

  1. Kowalska D, Szalkowski M, Sulowska K, Buczynska D, Niedziółka-Jonsson J, Jonsson-Niedziółka M, Kargul J, Lokstein H, Maćkowski S (2020) Silver Island Film for Enhancing Light Harvesting in Natural Photosynthetic Proteins, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21, 2451;
  2. Szalkowski et al. (2020) Plasmonic enhancement of photocurrent generation in Photosystem I–based hybrid electrode, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2020,
  3. Szewczyk S, Abram M, Białek R, Haniewicz P, Karolczak J, Gapiński J, Kargul J*, Gibasiewicz K* (2020) On the nature of uncoupled chlorophylls in the extremophilic photosystem Ilight harvesting I supercomplex. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1861, 148136.
  4. Abram M, Białek R, Szewczyk S, Karolczak J, Gibasiewicz K*, Kargul J*. (2020) Remodeling of excitation energy transfer in extremophilic red algal PSI-LHCI complex during light adaptation. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1861, 148093.
  5. Faber C, Allahverdiyeva-Rinne Y, Artero V, Baraton L, Barbieri A, Bercegol H, Fleischer M, Huynhthi H, Kargul J, Lepaumier H, Lopez L, Magnuson A, Roth A, (2020) SUNRISE: Solar Energy for a Circular Economy. Technological Roadmap.
  6. Osella S, Kargul J, Izzo M, Trzaskowski B. (2020) Architecture and function of biohybrid solar cell and solar-to-fuel nanodevices, In: Theory and Simulation in Physics for Materials Applications: Cutting-Edge Techniques in Theoretical and Computational Materials Science, ed. E. Levchenko, Y. J. Dappe, G. Ori, Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 296, pp 227-274. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Switzerland.
  7. Kargul J* and Kiliszek M. (2019) Artificial Photosynthesis: Current Advances and Challenges. In: Bioelectrochemical Interface Engineering, ed. R. Navanietha Krishnaraj and R. K. Sani, pp 271– Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  8. Osella S*, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Unlu CG, Ocakoglu K, Trzaskowski B, Kargul J* (2019) Role of Metal Centers in Tuning the Electronic Properties of Graphene-Based Conductive Interfaces. J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 8623–8632.
  9. Pham LV, Janna Olmos JD, Chernev P, Kargul J*, Messinger J* (2019) Unequal misses during the flash-induced advancement of photosystem II: effects of the S-state and acceptor side cycles. Photosynthesis Res., 139, 93–106.
  10. Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Szalkowski M, Kowalska D, Unlu CG, Haniewicz P, Abram M, Wiwatowski K, Niedziółka-Jönsson J, Mackowski S*, Ocakoglu K*, J. Kargul* (2018) Orientation of photosystem I on graphene through cytochrome c553 leads to improvement in photocurrent generation Mater. Chem. A, 6, 18615–18626. 10.1039/C8TA02420K
  11. Osella S*, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Unlu CG, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J*, Trzaskowski B (2018) Controlling the charge transfer flow at the graphene/pyrene-nitrilotriacetic acid interface. J. Mater. Chem. C. 6, 5046– 5054. 1039/C8TC00564H
  12. Haniewicz P, Abram M, Nosek L, Kirkpatrick J, El-Mohsnawy E, Janna Olmos J, Kouril R, Kargul J* (2018) Molecular mechanisms of photoadaptation of photosystem I supercomplex from an evolutionary cyanobacterial/algal intermediate. Plant Physiol., 176, 1433–1451.
  13. Kargul J*, Bubak G, Andryianau G (2018) Biophotovoltaic Systems Based on Photosynthetic Complexes. In: Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, ed. K. Wandelt, vol. 7, pp 43–63.
  14. Janna Olmos J, Becquet P, Gront D, Sar J, Dąbrowski A, Gawlik G, Teodorczyk M, Pawlak D, Kargul J* (2017) Biofunctionalisation of p-doped silicon with cytochrome c553 minimises charge recombination and enhances photovoltaic performance of the all-solid-state photosystem I-based biophotoelectrode. RSC Adv., 7, 47854–47866. 1039/C7RA10895H
  15. Szalkowski M, Janna Olmos JD, Buczyńska D, Maćkowski S*, Kowalska D, Kargul J* (2017) Plasmon-induced absorption of blind chlorophylls in photosynthetic proteins assembled on silver nanowires. Nanoscale, 9, 10475–10486. 1039/C7NR03866F
  16. Janna Olmos JD, Kargul J* (2015) A quest for the artificial leaf. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 66, 37–44.
  17. Janna Olmos JD, Kargul J* (2014) Oxygenic photosynthesis: translation to solar fuel technologies. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 83, 423–440.
  18. Ocakoglu K*, Krupnik T, van den Bosch B, Harputlu E, Gullo MP, Janna Olmos JD, Yildirimcan S, Gupta RK, Yakuphanoglu F, Barbieri A, Reek JNH, Kargul J* (2014) Photosystem I-based biophotovoltaics on nanostructured hematite. Funct. Mat., 24, 7467–7477.
  19. Nilsson H, Krupnik T, Kargul J, Messinger J (2014) Substrate water exchange in photosystem II core complexes of the extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1837, 1257-1262.
  20. van Oort B, Kargul J, Maghlaoui, K, Barber J, van Amerongen H (2014) Fluorescence kinetics of PSII crystals containing Ca2+ or Sr2+in the oxygen evolving complex. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1837, 264–
  1. Krupnik T, Kotabova E, van Bezouwen LS, Mazur R, Garstka M, Nixon PJ, Barber J, Kana R, Boekema EJ, Kargul J* (2013) A reaction centre-dependent photoprotection mechanism in a highly robust photosystem II from an extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. J. Biol. Chem., 288, 23529–23542. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.484659
  2. Kargul J*, Jarzębińska A, Janna Olmos JD, Krupnik T (2013) Application of photosystem I for production of hydrogen as a clean fuel. In: „Interdisciplinary and Applicable Importance of Botanical Sciences” (ed. A Biedunkiewicz, M Dynowska), pp.11–19, Mantis, Olsztyn, Poland.
  3. Kargul J*, Janna Olmos JD, Krupnik T (2012) Structure and function of photosystem I and its application in biomimetic solar-to-fuel systems. J. Plant Physiol., 169, 1639–1653.
  4. Kargul J, Boehm M, Morgner N, Robinson CV, Nixon PJ, Barber J (2012) Compositional and structural analyses of the photosystem II from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. In: “Photosynthesis: Research for Food, Fuel and Future” (ed. C Lu, L Zhang, T Kuang), pp. 59–63, Zhejiang Univ. Press, Springer-Verlag.
  5. Kargul J, Barber J (2012) Structure and Function of Photosynthetic Reaction Centres. In: Molecular Solar Fuels, ed. W Hillier and TJ Wydrzynski, pp. 107–142, RSC Publishing, London. 10.1039/9781849733038-00107

Publications before habilitation:  

  1. Murray JW, Maghlaoui K, Kargul J, Sugiura M, Barber J (2008) Analysis of xenon binding to photosystem II by X-ray crystallography. Res., 98, 523–527. doi:10.1007/s11120-008-9366-2
  2. *Romanowska E, *Kargul J, Powikrowska M, Finazzi G, Nield J, Drozak A, Pokorska B (2008) Structural organisation of photosynthetic apparatus in agranal chloroplasts of maize. Biol. Chem., 283, 26037–46. 10.1074/jbc.M803711200
  3. Murray JW, Maghlaoui K, Kargul J, Ishida N, Lai T-L, Rutherford AW, Sugiura M, Boussac A, Barber J (2008) X-ray crystallography identifies two chloride binding sites in the oxygen evolving centre of Photosystem II. Energy Environ. Sci., 1, 161– 10.1039/B810067P
  4. *Kargul J, Barber J (2008) Photosynthetic acclimation: Structural reorganisation of light harvesting antenna – role of redox-dependent phosphorylation of major and minor chlorophyll a/b binding proteins. FEBS J., 275, 1056– doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06262.x
  5. *Kargul J (2008) Photosynthetic acclimation: Molecular mechanisms of short and long-term acclimation. FEBS J., 275, 1055.
  6. Kargul J, Maghlaoui K, Murray JW, Deak Z, Vass I, Boussac A, Rutherford AW, Barber J (2007) Purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analyses of the elongatus PSII core dimer with strontium replacing calcium in the oxygen-evolving complex. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1767, 404–413.
  7. Turkina MV, Kargul J, Blanco-Rivero A, Villarejo A, Barber J, Vener AV (2006) Environmentally-modulated phosphoproteome of photosynthetic membranes in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cell. Proteomics, 5, 1412–1425.
  8. Kargul J, Turkina MV, Nield J, Benson S, Vener AV, Barber J (2005) Light-harvesting complex II protein CP29 binds to photosystem I of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under State 2 conditions. FEBS J., 272, 4797–
  9. Melkozernov AN, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2005) Spectral and kinetic analysis of the energy coupling in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii at 77K. Res., 86, 203–15. DOI: 10.1007/s11120-005-4118-z
  10. Kargul J, Nield J, Benson S, Barber J (2005) Structure of Chlamydomonas LHCI-PSI supercomplex during state transitions. In: “Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives” (ed. A van der Est, D Bruce), vol. 2, pp. 774–776, Allen Press, Lawrence, USA.
  11. Melkozernov AN, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2005) Excited state dynamics in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: excitation wavelength dependence study. In: “Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives” (ed. A van der Est, D Bruce), vol. 1, pp. 178–180, Allen Press, Lawrence, USA.
  12. Swarup R, Kargul J, Marchant A, Zadik D, Rahman A, Mills R, Yemm A, May S, Williams L, Millner P, Tsurumi S, Moore I, Napier R, Kerr ID, Bennett MJ (2004) Structure-function analysis of the presumptive Arabidopsis auxin permease AUX1. Plant Cell, 16, 3069– joint first authorship
  13. Melkozernov AN, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2004) Energy coupling in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Phys. Chem., 108, 10547–10555. 10.1021/jp049375n
  14. Kargul J, Nield J, Barber J (2003) Three-dimensional reconstruction of a Light-Harvesting Complex I-Photosystem I (LHCI-PSI) supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biol. Chem., 278, 16135–16141. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M300262200
  15. Kargul J, Gansel X, Tyrrell M, Sticher L, Blatt MR (2001) Protein-binding partners of the tobacco syntaxin NtSYR1. FEBS Lett., 508, 253–
  16. Marchant A, Kargul J, May ST, Muller P, Delbarre A, Perrot-Rechenmann C, Bennett MJ (1999) AUX1 regulates root gravitropism in Arabidopsis by facilitating auxin uptake within root apical tissues. EMBO J., 18, 2066–
  17. Garstka M, Kargul J (1995) Effect of superoxide and redox agents on lipid peroxidation in pea and bean thylakoid membranes. In: “Photosynthesis: From Light to Biosphere” (ed. P. Mathis), pp. 489–492, Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
  18. Sączyńska V, Kargul J, Kaniuga Z (1993) Discrimination between chilling-sensitive and chilling-resistant plants based on measurements of free fatty acid accumulation and inactivation of oxygen evolution in aged chloroplasts. Acta Biochim. Pol., 40, 507–


  1. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I, Laurent GJ. (2017) Metabolomics: Taking snapshots of cellular physiology in health and disease. Int J Biochem Cell Biol., 93, 86.
  2. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2017) RNA Splicing: an ingenious gene self editing tool. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 91, 81.
  3. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2017) Diabetes: Present and future. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 88, 196.
  4. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2016) Oxidative stress signalling: too much of a good thing. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 81, 233.
  5. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2016) Extracellular Matrix: a modular soil for stem cells. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 81, 164.
  6. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2016) Proteolytic degradation pathways in health and disease. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 79, 401.
  7. Irminger-Finger I., Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2016) G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs): The more the merrier. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 77, 181-182.
  8. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2016) Nanomedicine: Application of nanoparticles in clinical therapies and diagnostics. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 75, 140.
  9. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2015) Epigenetic regulation of disease: there is more to a gene than its sequence. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 67, 43.
  10. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I., Laurent GJ (2015) Mitochondrial diseases: From the lab bench to therapies. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 63, 1.
  11. Kargul J, Laurent GJ,Irminger-Finger I. (2014) Regenerative medicine: future impact on clinical therapies and society. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 56, 1.
  12. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2014) Non-coding RNAs: A novel level of genome complexity. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 54, 286.
  13. Irminger-Finger I, Kargul J, Laurent GJ. (2014) Rare cancers: What we can learn from them. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 53, 459–460.
  14. Kargul J, Irminger-Finger I (2014) Cystic fibrosis: from a single gene to complex pathophysiology. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 52, 1.
  15. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2013) Muscle atrophy: From molecular pathways to clinical therapy. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 45, 2119.
  16. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2013) Bioenergetic dysfunction in disease. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 45, 1.
  17. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2012) Small heat shock proteins: molecular protectors against the disease. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 44, 1587.
  18. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2011) Targeting metabolic pathways for cancer therapy. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 43, 947.
  19. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2011) Organelles in Focus launch. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 43, 459.
  20. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2011) Liver growth, development and disease – new research revealing new horizons. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 43, 171.
  21. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2010) Mechanisms of inflammation. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 42, 479.
  22. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2010) Structure and function of the SOX transcription factors. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 42, 375.
  23. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2009) Mitochondria matter: new concepts of dynamics and roles in pathophysiology. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 41, 1747.
  24. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2009) Darwin’s legacy in modern bioscience. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 41, 249.
  25. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2009) Epigenetics and human disease. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 41, 1.
  26. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2008) Proteases and antiproteases in immune defense, tissue homeostasis and disease. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 40, 1065.
  27. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2007) Cancer research: Translating scientific advances into taming the global disease. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 39, 1277.
  28. Kargul J, Laurent GJ (2006) Diabetes: New challenges for the control of disease globalisation. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 38, 685-686.


“From volcanic alage to solar-to-fuel devices”. Leiden Uni., Leiden, the Netherlands, 13 December 2019

“SUNRISE: Approach 2 – Direct conversion via integrated artificial photosynthetic systems”. SUNRISE Finland Stakeholder Workshop, Turku University, Turku, Finland, 9 December 2019.

“Extremophilic photosynthesis in light of global climate and energy security challenges”. Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 29 November 2019.

“SUNRISE: Solar Energy for a Circular Economy”. Lecture and participation in discussion panel at the NAWA Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 26 November 2019.

“Photosystem I as the robust component of solar cells and solar-to-fuel devices”. SUNRISE Poland Stakeholder Workshop and Final GraphESol/POLTUR Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 5 – 6 June 2019. (plenary lecture)

“Solar Energy for a Circular Economy”, EuroNanoForum, Bucharest, 12 – 14 June 2019. Lecture and participation in discussion panel.

“Engineering efficient electron transfer in Photosystem I-based nanodevices”, EMN Rome Meeting, Rome, Italy, 13 – 16 May 2019.

“Molecular mechanisms of photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus in C. merolae”, Workshop on C. merolae as an emerging model organism, Berlin, Germany, 7 – 9 October 2018.

“Molecular mechanisms of photoadaptation in the extremophilic red algal photosynthetic apparatus”, ePS-1: 1st European Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Uppsala, Sweden, 25 – 28 June 2018.

“Controlling the direct electron transfer in photosystem I-based graphene nanodevices”, EMN Greece Meeting, Heraklion, Greece, 14 – 18 May 2018.

“Extremophilic photosystem I: Improving Nature for solar energy conversion”, X Winter Workshop of Molecular Biophysics, Division of Adam Mickiewicz University, Gułtowy, Poland, 5 – 8 February 2018.

“Investigation of structure and function of extremophilic photosystems using biochemical, mass spectrometry and structural approaches”, Molecular Architecture of Life Meeting, CIFAR/MPSD, DESY, Hamburg, 24 – 25 October 2017.

“Tackling the grand challenge of solar energy conversion using extremophilic photosystem I”, 1st PolTur Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 20 – 22 November 2016.

“Designing photosystem I-based artificial leaf for production of photo-electricity and solar fuel”, 4th World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology, Las Vegas, USA, 19 – 21 September 2016.

“Biopassivation of the biohybrid p-doped silicon electrode with cytochrome c553”, Biohybrid Solar Cells Satellite Meeting to PS17 Congress. Slenaken, the Netherlands, 4 – 7 August 2016.

“Nanoengineering the interfaces in PSI-based solar-to-fuel devices and biophotodiodes”, 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis (PS17), Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7 – 12 August 2016.

“Making an artificial leaf: Constructing photoelectrodes for bioinspired solar-to-fuel devices”, CeNT Lecture Series, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 16 June 2016.

“Biomimetic solar fuel production using an artificial leaf”, National Foundation for Children Workshop, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 6 – 10 June 2016.

“Artificial leaf: Constructing photoelectrodes for bioinspired solar-to-fuel devices. Polish Chemical Society Seminar Series, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 31 March 2016.

“Constructing an artificial leaf”, TEMPUS Lecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Warsaw, Poland, 9 December 2015.

“Biomimetic production of solar fuels using an artificial leaf”. Polish Biochemical Society invited lecture within the “Tea at Gronostajowa” series, Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 28 October 2015.

“Recent advances in constructing the artificial leaf”, European Society for Photobiology Congress (ESP2015), University of Aveiro, Portugal, 31 August – 4 September 2015.

“Solar Fuels Technologies”, XVI Summer School of Androgogy and Sociology, University of Zielona Góra, Poland, 19 May 2015. (plenary lecture)

“From natural to artificial photosynthesis”, TEMPUS Lecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Warsaw, Poland, 26 January 2015.

“Artificial and Natural Photosynthesis”, TEMPUS Lecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Warsaw, Poland, 21 May 2014.

“Functional and structural studies on photosystems I and II from an extremophilic red microalga C. merolae and their application in artificial photosynthesis nanodevices”. Joint ESF EuroSolarFuels Final Progress Meeting, Passau, Germany, 12 – 15 April 2014.

“Structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus from an extremophilic alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae; application in artificial photosynthesis for generation of hydrogen” Institute of Plant Experimental Biology Seminar Series, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland, 24 January 2014.

“Artificial Photosynthesis: Imitating Nature to Produce Clean Fuels”, TEMPUS Lecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Warsaw, Poland, 20 January 2014.

Keynote Participant/Discussion Leader at the Lorentz Centre Workshop: Responsive Matrices for Solar Fuels, 28 October – 1 November 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands.

“Application of photosystem I for production of hydrogen as a clean fuel”, 56th Congress of the Polish Botanical Society, Olsztyn, Poland, 24 – 30 June 2013. (plenary lecture)

“Extremophile photosynthetic components for solar-to-fuel nanodevices”, EERA JP-AMPEA Cross linking workshop on Artificial Photosynthesis, 11 – 12 June 2013.

“Application of the highly robust photosystem I from an extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae for sustainable H2 production”, BIT’s 4th Symposium on Enzymes and Biocatalysis, Nanjing, China, 25 – 27 April 2013.

“Lessons from Nature: Using photosystem I for production of clean energy”. International Fascination of Plants Day, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland, 18 May 2012.

“Photosystem I from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae as the photocathode of the solar-to-fuel tandem nanodevice”. Institute of Plant Experimental Biology Seminar Series, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland, 16 March 2012.

“Bio-mimetic hydrogen production using PSI from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae”. Annual Meeting of the Polish Botanical Society, University of Warsaw, 21 January 2012.

“Photo-semibiological hydrogen production using PSI from Cyanidioschyzon merolae”. Department of Plant Molecular Physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland, 15 November 2011.

Compositional and structural analyses of the photosystem II from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae.” 15th International Congress on Photosynthesis. Beijing, China, 22 – 27 August 2010.

“Lessons from Nature: can we efficiently imitate the mechanism of photosynthetic water splitting?”. 29 January 2010, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland.

“How Nature solved the energy problem”, 17 November 2009, University of Warsaw, Poland (plenary lecture in the series: “Eight Lectures for the New Millenium” organised by the Rector of the University of Warsaw)

“Water, water everywhere: How Nature solved the energy problem”, 20 April 2009, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland (habilitation lecture)

“Structural changes in the photosynthetic apparatus during state transitions”, 11 April 2008, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland.

“The light harvesting complex II antenna protein CP29 facilitates photosynthetic state transitions”, State Transitions satellite meeting, Queen Mary, University of London, 28 – 31 July 2007.

“Biochemical and crystallographic analysis of the T. elongatus Photosystem II with Sr2+ Replacing Ca2+ in the Oxygen Evolving Centre”, Queen Mary, University of London, 4 July 2007.

“X-ray, biochemical and functional analysis of photosystem II with Sr2+ replacing Ca2+ in the oxygen-evolving complex”, 20 December 2006, Service de Bioénergétique, Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique (CEA), Saclay, France.

“Replacing Ca2+ by Sr2+ in the Oxygen Evolving Centre of Photosystem II”. International Discussion Meeting “Oxygen Production/Reduction and Implications”, 3 November 2006, Imperial College London, London, UK.

“3D crystallization of the T. elongatus PSII core dimer containing strontium incorporated into the Mn cluster”. International Meeting in honour of Prof. James Barber, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia, 20 – 26 August 2006. “Photosynthesis in the post-genomic era: structure and function of photosystems”.

“The light harvesting complex II antenna protein CP29 is involved in regulating photosynthetic state transitions”. 17th International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, 17 – 23 July 2005.

“Structure of Chlamydomonas LHCI-PSI supercomplex during state transitions”. 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Montreal, Canada, 29 August – 3 September 2004.

“Structure of Chlamydomonas LHCI-PSI supercomplex during state transitions”. PS2004 Light-Harvesting Systems Workshop, Sainte-Adèle, Canada, 26 – 29 August 2004.

“3D structure of LHCI-PSI supercomplex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.  The Biochemical Society Christmas Photosynthesis Meeting 2002, University of Bristol, UK – 19 December 2002.

“The AUX1 protein – Biochemical characterisation of an auxin transporter”.  6th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Quebec, Canada, 17 – 24 June 2000.

“Biochemical characterisation of the AUX1 protein from A. thaliana”.  Wye College, University of London, UK – 8 June 1998.

“The AUX1 protein – a novel component of auxin-mediated signalling pathway”.  5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Singapore, 21 – 27 September 1997.

“Baculovirus-mediated expression of AUX1”. 3rd Meeting of the UK Auxin Signalling Network, University of Coventry, UK – March 1996.



After habilitation:

  1. Kargul J et al. (2019) Photosystem I as the robust component of solar cells and solar-to-fuel devices. SUNRISE POLAND and Final GraphESol/POLTUR Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland, 5-6 June 2019.
  2. Kargul J et al (2019) Engineering efficient electron transfer in Photosystem I-based nanodevices. EMN Rome, Italy, 13-16 May 2019.
  3. Kargul J et al. (2018) Molecular mechanisms of photoadaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus in merolae. Workshop on: C. merolae as an emerging model organism, Berlin, Germany, 7-9 October 2018.
  4. Hammarstrom L, Aro E-M, Kargul J, de Groot H (2018) SUNRISE: A proposal for a FET Flagship. Proceedings of ePS-1, Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 June 2018.
  5. Kargul J, Abram M, Haniewicz P, Nosek L, Kirkpatrick J, El-Mohsnawy E, Janna Olmos JD, Kouril R (2018) Molecular mechanisms of photoadaptation in the extremophilic red algal photosynthetic apparatus. Proceedings of ePS-1, Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 June 2018.
  6. Kargul J, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Szalkowski M, Kowalska D, Unlu CG, Haniewicz P, Abram M, Wiwatowski K, Niedziółka-Jönsson J, Osella S, Trzaskowski B, Maćkowski S, Ocakoglu K (2018) Controlling the direct electron transfer in photosystem I-based graphene nanodevices. Proceedings of ePS-1, Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 June 2018.
  7. Pham LP, Janna Olmos JD, Chernev P, Kargul J, Messinger J (2018) Unequal misses during the flash-induced advancement in photosystem II: effects of the S-state and acceptor side cycles. Proceedings of ePS-1, Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 June 2018.
  8. Szalkowski M, Harputlu E, Kiliszek M, Kowalska D, Wiwatowski K, Kargul J, Ocakoglu K, Mackowski S (2018) Fluorescence imaging of PSI-graphene conjugated photoelectrodes. Proceedings of ePS-1, Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 June 2018.
  9. Kowalska D, Szalkowski M, Janna Olmos J, Buczynska D, Kargul J, Mackowski S (2018) Plasmonic interactions in silver nanowires extend the absorption of photosynthetic proteins. Proceedings of ePS-1, Uppsala, Sweden, 25-28 June 2018.
  10. Abram M, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Szalkowski M, Kowalska D, Unlu CG, Haniewicz P, Abram M, Wiwatowski K, Niedziółka-Jönsson J, Maćkowski S, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J (2018) Cytochrome c553-photosystem I interaction for an improved photocurrent generation in a single layer graphene electrode. ChemSession’18 (XV Warsaw Seminar of PhD Students-Chemists). 8 June 2018.
  11. Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Szalkowski M, Kowalska D, Unlu CG, Haniewicz P, Abram M, Wiwatowski K, Niedziółka-Jönsson J, Maćkowski S, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J (2018) Improvement of power output in oriented photosystem I-based electrodes. Proceedings of Xth Winter Biophysical Workshop of Molecular Biophysics Division of Adam Mickiewicz University, Gułtowy 5-8 February 2018.
  12. Haniewicz P, Abram M, Nosek L, Kirkpatrick J, El-Mohsnawy E, Janna Olmos JD, Kouřil R, Kargul JM (2018) Molecular mechanisms of photoadaptation in the extremopjilic red algal photosynthetic apparatus. Proceedings of Xth Winter Biophysical Workshop of Molecular Biophysics Division of Adam Mickiewicz University, Gułtowy 5-8 February 2018.
  13. Kargul J (2018) Extremophilic photosystem I: Improving Nature for solar energy conversion. Proceedings of Xth Winter Biophysical Workshop of Molecular Biophysics Division of Adam Mickiewicz University, Gułtowy 5-8 February 2018
  14. Kargul J (2016) Tackling the grand challenge of solar energy conversion using extremophilic photosystem I. Proceedings of 1st PolTur Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 November 2016.
  15. Andryianau G, Rotko G, Bubak G, Kumorkiewicz A, Haniewicz P, Ocakoglu K, Harputlu E, Bilewicz R, Kargul J (2016) Towards well defined, highly organized nanoarchitectures for molecular engineering of bioelectrodes based on carbon materials. Proceedings of 1st PolTur Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 November 2016.
  16. Bubak G, Andryianau G, Janna Olmos JD, Haniewicz P, Abram M, Becquet P, Jurczakowski R, Ruediger O, Kargul J (2016) Biohybrid electrodes based on positively and negatively charged reduced graphene oxide. Proceedings of 1st PolTur Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 November 2016.
  17. Patrycja Haniewicz, Mateusz Abram, Joanna Kargul (2016) Preparation of perfect biological material for constructing truly ‘green’ viable biohybrid solar-to-fuel nanodevices. Proceedings of 1st PolTur Workshop on Biohybrid Graphene Solar Cells. Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw. Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 November 2016.
  18. Kargul J (2016) Designing a photosystem I-based artificial leaf for production of photoelectricity and solar fuel. Proceedings of 4th World Congress and Expo on Applied Microbiology, Las Vegas, USA, 19-21 September 2016.
  19. Janna Olmos JD, Becquet P, Gront D, Dąbrowski A, Bubak G, Ruediger O, Gawlik G, Teodorczyk M and Kargul J (2016) Biopassivation of the biohybrid p-doped silicon electrode with cytochrome c553. Proceedings of the Biohybrid Solar Cells Satellite Meeting to PS17 Congress. Slenaken, The Netherlands, 4-7 August 2016.
  20. Janna Olmos JD, Becquet P, Gront D, Dąbrowski A, Bubak G, Ruediger O, Gawlik G, Teodorczyk M and Kargul J (2016) Heavily p-doped silicon surface recombination minimization by means of extremophilic red algal cytochrome c553 bio-functionalization at the semiconductor interface. Proceedings of the Biohybrid Solar Cells Satellite Meeting to PS17 Congress. Slenaken, The Netherlands, 4-7 August 2016.
  21. Janna Olmos JD, Becquet P, Gront D, Dąbrowski A, Bubak G, Ruediger O, Gawlik G, Teodorczyk M and Kargul J (2016) Nanoengineering the interfaces in PSI-based solar-to-fuel devices and biophotodiodes. Proceedings of 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7-12 August 2016.
  22. Haniewicz P, Janna Olmos JD, Krupnik T, van Bezouwen LS, Abram M, Boekema EJ and Kargul J (2016) Molecular mechanisms of photoprotection in highly robust PSI-LHCI supercomplex from an extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Proceedings of 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 7-12 August 2016.
  23. Kargul J, Janna Olmos JD, Jarzębińska A, Becquet P (2015) Recent advances in constructing the artificial leaf. Proceedings of 16th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Aveiro, Portugal, 31 August-4 September 2015.
  24. Kargul J, Krupnik T, Janna Olmos JD, van den Bosch B, Friebe V, Harputlu E, Gullo MP, Yildirimcan S, Frese R, Barbieri A, Reek JNH and Ocakoglu K (2014) Application of highly robust photosystem I from extremophilic red microalgae in artificial photosynthesis nanodevices. Proceedings of the ESF EuroSolarFuels Final Progress Meeting, Passau, Germany, 12-15 April 2014.
  25. Kargul J, Krupnik T, Janna Olmos JD, Jarzębińska A, Harputlu E, Ocakoglu K (2013) Towards the H2-producing in vitro and solid-state systems using a highly robust photosystem I from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Proceedings of 16th International Congress on Photosynthesis, St. Louis, USA, 11-16 August 2013.
  26. Kargul J, Jarzębińska A, Janna Olmos JD, Krupnik T (2013) Application of photosystem I for production of hydrogen as the solar fuel. Proceedings of 56th Congress of Polish Botanical Society, Olsztyn, 24-30 June 2013.
  27. Kargul J, Harputlu E, Jarzębińska A, Krupnik T, Janna Olmos JD, Ocakoglu K (2013) Application of the highly robust photosystem I from an extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae for sustainable H2 production, Proceedings of BIT’s 4th Symposium on Enzymes and Biocatalysis, Nanjing, China, 25-27 April 2013.
  28. Janna Olmos JD, Jarzębińska A, Krupnik T, Kargul J (2012) Towards the H2-producing in vitro and solid-state systems using photosystem I from Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Proceedings of 1st EuroSolarFuels Conference, Drymen, UK, 29-31 October 2012.
  29. Krupnik T, Janna Olmos JD, Mazur R, Garstka M, Kargul J (2012) Characterization of robust photosystem I of Cyanidioschyzon merolae for use in solar-to-fuel energy converting nano-device. Proceedings of 1st EuroSolarFuels Conference, Drymen, UK, 29-31 October 2012.
  30. Kargul J, Boehm M, Morgner N, Robinson CV, Nixon PJ, Barber J (2010) Compositional and structural analyses of the photosystem II from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Proceedings of 15th International Congress on Photosynthesis. Beijing, China, 22 – 27 August 2010.


Before habilitation:

  1. Maghlaoui K, Kargul J, Murray JW, Barber J (2007) X-ray diffraction analysis to investigate chloride binding in the OEC. Proceedings of 14th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Glasgow, UK, 23 – 27 July 2007. Abstract: Maghlaoui et al. (2007) Photosynth. Res., 91, 178.
  2. Kargul J, Maghlaoui K, Murray JW, Deak Z, Vass I, Boussac A, Rutherford AW, Barber J (2006) 3D crystallization of the T. elongatus PSII core dimer containing strontium incorporated into the Mn cluster. “Photosynthesis in the post-genomic era: structure and function of photosystems” The International Meeting in honour of Prof. James Barber, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia, 20 – 26 August 2006.
  3. Kargul J, Maghlaoui K, Murray JW, Deak Z, VassI, Boussac A, Rutherford AW, Barber J (2006) Purification, characterisation and 3D crystallization of the elongatus PSII core dimer containing strontium incorporated into the Mn cluster. Gordon Research Conference on Photosynthesis, Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island, USA, 2 – 7 July 2006.
  4. Vener AV, Turkina MV, Hansson M, Aboulaich N, Stralfors P, Villarejo A, Kargul J, Barber J (2005) Vectorial proteomics of biological membranes. 30th FEBS Congress – 9th IUBMB Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2 – 7 July 2005.
  5. Kargul J, Turkina MV, Nield J, Benson S, Vener AV, Barber J (2005) The light harvesting complex II antenna protein CP29 is involved in regulating photosynthetic state transitions. 17th International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, 17 – 23 July 2005.
  6. Kargul J, Nield J, Benson S, Barber J (2004) Structure of Chlamydomonas LHCI-PSI supercomplex during state transitions. 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Montreal, Canada, 29 August – 3 September 2004.
  7. Kargul J, Nield J, Benson S, Barber J (2004) Structure of Chlamydomonas LHCI-PSI supercomplex during state transitions. PS2004 Light-Harvesting Systems Workshop, Sainte-Adèle, Canada, 26 – 29 August 2004.
  8. Melkozernov A, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2004) Excited state dynamics in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: excitation wavelength dependence study. 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Montreal, Canada, 29 August – 3 September 2004.
  9. Melkozernov A, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2004) Energy transfer and trapping in the PSI-LHCI supercomplexes from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: excitation wavelength dependence study. PS2004 Light-Harvesting Systems Workshop, Sainte-Adèle, Canada, 26 – 29 August 2004.
  10. Melkozernov A, Kargul J, Lin S, Barber J, Blankenship RE (2004) Energy coupling in the PSI-LHCI supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 13th Western Photosynthesis Meeting, Pacific Grove, California, USA, 8 – 11 January 2004.
  11. Nield J, Kargul J, Barber J (2003) Structural comparisons between PSII complexes from reinhardtii, higher plants and cyanobacteria: modelling of the oxygen-evolving complex. IC-Centre for Structural Biology Research Day, Imperial College London, London, UK – 30 April 2003.
  12. Kargul J, Nield J, Barber J (2002) Structure and oligomeric state of Photosystem I and its associated light-harvesting antenna in reinhardtii. IC-Centre for Structural Biology Research Day, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK – 3 July 2002.
  13. Kargul J, Nield J, Barber J (2002) Studying the structure and oligomeric state of Photosystem I and its associated light-harvesting antenna in reinhardtii. In: Proceedings of Chlamy 2002, Vancouver, 11 – 16 June 2002.
  14. Nield J, Kargul J, Barber J (2002) Structural comparisons between PSII complexes from reinhardtii, higher plants and cyanobacteria: modelling of the oxygen-evolving complex. In: Proceedings of Chlamy 2002, Vancouver,11 – 16 June 2002.
  15. Kargul J, Leyman B, Geelen D, Blatt MR (2000) The plant SNARE protein NtSYR1 interacts with its partners in ABA signal transduction. 6th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Quebec, Canada, 18 – 24 June 2000.
  16. Kargul J, Leyman B, Geelen D, Blatt MR (2000) Identification of protein partners of a novel syntaxin from Nicotiana tabacum. SEB Annual Meeting, University of Exeter, UK, 27 – 31 March 2000. Abstract: Kargul et al. (2000) J. Exp. Bot., 51, 27.
  17. Kargul J, Leyman B, Geelen D, Blatt MR (1999) Identification of protein partners of a novel syntaxin from Nicotiana tabacum. International Meeting on Transport of Proteins and Membranes in Eukaryotic Cells, Göttingen, Germany, 29 September – 1 October 1999.
  18. Marchant A, Kargul J, Swarup R, May S, Bennett MJ (1998) Auxin-regulated development in Arabidopsis. The Royal Society Discussion Meeting on the molecular basis of signal transduction in plants, London, UK – 18 February 1998.
  19. Marchant A, May ST, Ward SP, Kargul J, Sarjeant A, Tissier C, Feldmann KA, Bennett MJ (1997) Molecular characterisation of the Arabidopsis AUX1 gene. 8th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Madison, USA, 25 – 29 June 1997.  Abstract: Marchant et al. (1997) Plant Physiol., 114 (Suppl.), 224.
  20. Marchant A, Green H, May S, Ward S, Kargul J, Sarjeant A, Tissier C, Bennett MJ (1997) Molecular characterisation of the Arabidopsis AUX1 gene, PMBII Final Meeting, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK – October 1997.
  21. Kargul J, Bennett M (1997) The AUX1 protein – a novel component of auxin-mediated signalling pathway. PMBII Final Meeting, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK – October 1997.
  22. Napier R, Bauly J, Lazarus C, Kargul J, Bennett MJ (1996) Baculovirus-mediated expression of AUX1 and ABP1, 7th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 23 – 27 June 1996.
  23. Kargul J, Bennett M (1996) Biochemical characterisation of the AUX1 protein. 7th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 23 – 27 June 1996.
  24. Garstka M, Kargul J (1995) Peroxidation in thylakoids isolated from pea and bean. Effect of singlet oxygen and redox agents. Symposium “Photochemical processes in plants under environmental stress”, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 8 – 9 June 1995.
  25. Garstka M, Kargul J, Kaniuga Z (1994) Peroxidation in thylakoids isolated from plants with different chilling sensitivity is not directly related to the generation of superoxide, 21st International Symposium on Free Radicals, University of Łódź, Poland – June 1994.

Group Leader:
dr hab. Joanna Kargul , prof. ucz.

Postdoctoral Fellows:
dr Mateusz Abram
dr Miriam Izzo
dr Margot Jacquet

PhD students:
mgr B. Ozan Eskikaya
mgr Marcin Kuliński
mgr Francesca Marchetto


Piotr Lorek

Julian David Janna Olmos, PhD
Philippe Becquet, MSc
Anita Jarzębińska, MSc
Grzegorz Bubak, PhD Eng
Gleb Andryianau, MSc Eng
Tomasz Kalinowski, MSc
Paulina Misiukiewicz, MSc
Julia Dreksler, MSc
Gaweł Bojanowski, MSc
Jacek Rymuszka, MSc
Marcin Kleibert, MSc
Jędrzej Machtyl, MSc
Szymon Piaszczyński, MSc
Rafał Stachura, MSc
Szymon Górnisiewicz, MSc
Justyna Kiełbasa, MSc
Małgorzata Kucia, MSc
Małgorzata Kiliszek, PhD
Patrycja Haniewicz, PhD
Aleksandra Zimnoch, MSc
Natalia Cibor, MSc
Aleksandra Okrasa, MSc
Alexia Bankowski, BA
Aspen Vassallo, BA
Sergio Santaeufemia, PhD
Insight into structure-property relationship of organometallic terpyridine wires: Combined theoretical and experimental study
S. Kozdra, M. Jacquet, J. Kargul, K. Hęclik, A. Wójcik, P. P. Michałowski
Polyhedron, Volume 213, 1 February 2022, 115628
Competition between intra-protein charge recombination and electron transfer outside Photosystem I complexes used for photovoltaic applications
Goyal A, Szewczyk S, Burdziński G, Abram M, Kargul J, Gibasiewicz K
Photochem Photobiol Sciences
Improving Photostability of Photosystem I-Based Nanodevice by Plasmonic Interactions with Planar Silver Nanostructures
Szalkowski M, Kowalska D, Janna Olmos J D, Kargul J, Maćkowski S
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(6), 2976
Spectral Dependence of the Energy Transfer from Photosynthetic Complexes to Monolayer Graphene
Szalkowski M, Surrente A, Wiwatowski K, Yang Z, Zhang N, Janna Olmos J D, Kargul J, Plochocka P, Maćkowski S
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(7), 3493
Diazonium-Based Covalent Molecular Wiring of Single-Layer Graphene Leads to Enhanced Unidirectional Photocurrent Generation through the p-doping Effect
Jacquet M, Osella S, Harputlu E, Pałys B, Kaczmarek M, Nawrocka E K, Rajkiewicz A A, Kalek M, Trzaskowski B, Michałowski P P, Trzaskowski B, Unlu C G, Lisowski W, Pisarek M, Kazimierczuk K, Ocakoglu K, Więckowska A, Kargul J
ACS Chemistry of Materials
Electron transfer in a biophotoelectrode based on Photosystem I multilayer immobilized on the conducting glass
Szewczyk S, Goyal A, Abram M, Burdziński G, Kargul J, Gibasiewicz K
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23, 4774.
Electron Transfer in a Bio-Photoelectrode Based on Photosystem I Multilayer Immobilized on the Conducting Glass
Sebastian Szewczyk, Alice Goyal, Mateusz Abram, Gotard Burdziński, Joanna Kargul, Krzysztof Gibasiewicz
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(9), 4774
Molecular mechanism of direct electron transfer in the robust cytochrome-functionalised graphene nanosystem.
Jacquet M, Kiliszek M, Osella S, Izzo M, Sar J, Harputlu E, Unlu CG, Trzaskowski B, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J
RSC Adv., 11, 18860
Development of a universal conductive platform for anchoring photo- and electroactive proteins using organometallic terpyridine molecular wires
Jacquet M, Izzo M, Osella S, Kozdra S, Michałowski PP, Gołowicz D, Kazimierczuk K, Gorzkowski MT, Lewera, A, Teodorczyk, M, Trzaskowski B, Jurczakowski R, Gryko DT*, Kargul J
Nanoscale, 13, 9773 - 9787
Enhancement of direct electron transfer in graphene bioelectrodes containing novel cytochrome c553 variants with optimized heme orientation
Izzo M, Osella S*, Jacquet M, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Starkowska A, Łasica A, Unlu CG, Uśpieński T, Niewiadomski P, Bartosik D, Trzaskowski B, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J*
Biolectrochemistry, 140, 107818
Development of a Novel Nanoarchitecture of the Robust Photosystem I from a Volcanic Microalga Cyanidioschyzon merolae on Single Layer Graphene for Improved Photocurrent Generation
Izzo M, Jacquet M, Fujiwara T, Harputlu E, Mazur R, Wróbel P, Góral T, Unlu Gokhan C, Ocakoglu K, Miyagishima S, Kargul J
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, 8396
Development of a Novel Nanoarchitecture of the Robust Photosystem I from a Volcanic Microalga Cyanidioschizon merolae on Single-Layer Graphene for Improved Photocurrent Generation
Miriam Izzo, Margot Jacquet, Takayuki Fujiwara, Ersan Harputlu, Radosław Mazur, Piotr Wróbel, Tomasz Góral, C. Gokhan Unlu, Kasim Ocakoglu, Shinya Miyagishima, Joanna Kargul
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 22, pp 8396, 2021
Insight into structure-property relationship of organometallic terpyridine wires: Combined theoretical and experimental study
Sylwia Kozdra, Margot Jacquet, Joanna Kargul, Karol Hęclik, Adrianna Wójcika, Paweł Piotr Michałowski
Polyhedron, Vol. 213, 115628
Artificial photosynthesis for production of solar fuels and chemicals
Joanna Kargul, Miriam Izzo, Margot Jacquet
Chemical Valorization of Carbon Dioxide, Eds: Georgios Stefanidis, Andrzej Stankiewicz, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK.
Remodeling of excitation energy transfer in extremophilic red algal PSI-LHCI complex during light adaptation
Abram, M., Białek, R., Szewczyk, S., Karolczak, J., Gibasiewicz, K., & Kargul, J.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1861(1), 148093.
On the nature of uncoupled chlorophylls in the extremophilic photosystem I-light harvesting I supercomplex
Szewczyk, S., Abram, M., Białek, R., Haniewicz, P., Karolczak, J., Gapiński, J., ... & Gibasiewicz, K.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1861(2), 148136.
Architecture and function of biohybrid solar cell and solar-to-fuel nanodevices
Osella, S., Kargul, J., Izzo, M., & Trzaskowski, B.
Theory and Simulation in Physics for Materials Applications. Springer, Cham. Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 296, pp 227-274
Silver Island Film for Enhancing Light Harvesting in Natural Photosynthetic Proteins
Kowalska D, Szalkowski M, Sulowska K, Buczynska D, Niedziółka-Jonsson J, Jonsson-Niedziółka M, Kargul J, Lokstein H, Maćkowski S
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21, 2451
Plasmonic enhancement of photocurrent generation in Photosystem I–based hybrid electrode
Szalkowski, M., Harputlu, E., Kiliszek, M., Mackowski, S., Unlu, C. G., Ocakoglu, K., ... & Kowalska, D.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C.
SUNRISE: Solar Energy for a Circular Economy. Technological Roadmap
Faber C., Allahverdiyeva-Rinne Y., Artero V., Baraton L., Barbieri A., Bercegol H., Fleischer M., Huynhthi H., Kargul J., Lepaumier H., Lopez L., Magnuson A. & Roth A.
Unequal misses during the flash-induced advancement of photosystem II: effects of the S-state and acceptor side cycles
Pham, L. V., Olmos, J. D., Chernev, P., Kargul, J., & Messinger, J. (2019).
Photosynthesis Research, 139(1-3), 93-106
Role of Metal Centers in Tuning the Electronic Properties of Graphene-Based Conductive Interfaces
Osella, S., Kiliszek, M., Harputlu, E., Unlu, C. G., Ocakoglu, K., Trzaskowski, B., & Kargul, J. (2019).
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(14), 8623-8632
Molecular Mechanisms of Photoadaptation of Photosystem I Supercomplex from an Evolutionary Cyanobacterial/Algal Intermediate
Haniewicz P., Abram M., Nosek L., Kirkpatrick J., El-Mohsnawy E., Janna Olmos J., Kouril R., Kargul J.* (2018).
Plant Physiol., 176, 1433–1451.
Biophotovoltaic Systems Based on Photosynthetic Complexes
Kargul, J., Bubak, G., & Andryianau, G. (2018).
n: Wandelt, K., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, vol. 7, pp 43–63. (book chapter).
Controlling the charge transfer flow at the graphene/pyrene-nitrilotriacetic acid interface
Osella S*, Kiliszek M, Harputlu E, Unlu CG, Ocakoglu K, Kargul J*, Trzaskowski B (2018).
J. Mater. Chem. C. 6, 5046-5054
Orientation of photosystem I on graphene through cytochrome c(553) leads to improvement in photocurrent generation
Kiliszek, M., Harputlu, E., Szalkowski, M., Kowalska, D., Unlu, C. G., Haniewicz, P., . . . & Kargul, J.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(38), 18615-18626
Plasmon-induced absorption of blind chlorophylls in photosynthetic proteins assembled on silver nanowires.
Szalkowski, M., Olmos, J. D. J., Buczyńska, D., Maćkowski, S., Kowalska, D., & Kargul, J. (2017).
Nanoscale, 9(29), 10475-10486.
RNA splicing: An ingenious gene self editing tool.
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 91(Pt B), 81.
Metabolomics: Taking snapshots of cellular physiology in health and disease.
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2017, 93, 86, IF=3.505
Biofunctionalisation of p-doped silicon with cytochrome c553 minimises charge recombination and enhances photovoltaic performance of the all-solid-state photosystem I-based biophotoelectrode.
Olmos, J. D. J., Becquet, P., Gront, D., Sar, J., Dąbrowski, A., Gawlik, G., ... & Kargul, J. (2017).
RSC Advances, 7(75), 47854-47866.
Diabetes: Present and Future.
Iminger-Finger, I., Kargul, J., & Laurent, G. J. (2017).
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 88, 196.
Proteolytic degradation pathways in health and disease
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J. (2016).
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, (79), 401
G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs): The more the merrier
Iminger-Finger, I., Kargul, J., & Laurent, G. J.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 77, 181-182.
Nanomedicine: Application of nanoparticles in clinical therapies and diagnostics
Kargul, J., Irminger-Finger, I., & Laurent, G. J.
The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 75, 140.
A quest for the artificial leaf
Olmos, J. D. J., & Kargul, J. (2015)
The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 66, 37-44.
Oxygenic photosynthesis: translation to solar fuel technologies.
Olmos, J. D. J., & Kargul, J. (2014)
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 83(4), 423.
Artificial Photosynthesis: Current Advances and Challenges
Kargul J* and Kiliszek M.
Bioelectrochemical Interface Engineering, ed. R. Navanietha Krishnaraj and R. K. Sani, pp 271–310, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons

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SUNRISE Poland Stakeholder Workshop

Grant z Horyzontu 2020 dla SUNRISE – artykuł na stronie UW

Laboratorium Paliw Słonecznych na Dniach Otwartych Kampusu Ochota 2017

„Polacy pracują nad biohybrydową elektrodą. Nowa technologia pozwoli na produkcję paliwa wodorowego” – artykuł na

„Sztuczny liść: fotosynteza ulepszona przez technologię” – artykuł w serwisie

„Naukowcy z UW tworzą sztuczną fotosyntezę. Chcą wykorzystać energię słoneczną do produkcji „paliwa przyszłości – artykuł na

„Na czym polega sztuczna fotosynteza?” –  materiał popularyzatorski  z udziałem prof. Joanny Kargul


„Słoneczne związki ze sztucznego liścia: mobilizacja firm i naukowców, by ulepszyć fotozyntezę” – artykuł w serwisie

Podcast z cyklu Hard Science Can Be Easy. Wywiad Karoliny Głowackiej z Joanną Kargul na temat: Energia słoneczna – Czy nasza cywilizacja osiągnie supermoc roślin? 

Molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis in extreme environmental conditions

4 M€ grant to accelerate innovation on solar fuels and chemicals, and to support the transition toward a fossil-free EU economy

Wywiad z prof. Joanną Kargul

Sztuczna fotosynteza bardziej wydajna? Polacy mają na to pomysł | Nauka w Polsce

KRYPTON w TVP: odcinek 7: Sztuczna fotosynteza