Title of the position: Student in the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials
Scientific discipline:Chemistry, Physics and realted fields
Job type:Scholarship
Number of job offers:1
Remuneration/Stipend amount/month:2500 PLN p/m
Position starts on:01/11/2018
Maximum period of contract/stipend agreement:24 months
Institution:Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials
Project leader: Paweł Szarek
Project title: Hi-Ox: Journey to the core of the atom – pushing the limits of the reachable oxidation states of metal atoms.
Project description:
The highest oxidation states of chemical elements have so far been observed in the ligand environment of fluorides and oxides, with octavalent state encountered for Xe, Ru, Os, and possibly also for Rn and Pu. Recently, IrO4+cation has been observed, where nonavalent IrIX transition metal center is isolectronic with OsVIII. This breakthrough discovery shows that nowadays it is not clear at all, what could be the limiting value of the oxidation state depending on the position in Periodic Table, in molecules and solids under different pressure and temperature conditions. The research hypothesis is that compounds of IrIX, PtX, AuXI and HgXII or DyV, PrV, NdVI and HoVI, could be stabilized at high-pressure conditions.
Key responsibilities include:
Participation in project activities
Profile of candidates/requirements:
– student of the 3rd or 4th year of chemical, physics or related fields – very good knowledge of English – basic knowledge of operating LINUX / UNIX systems – basic programming skills in any language – motivation to conduct research
Required documents:
· CV,
· letter of motivation,
· Transcript copy of grades from studies,
· A list of scientific publications, scholarships and awards (if applicable),
· List of conferences in which the candidate participated along with the titles and authors of the speeches (if applicable),
· Internships and apprenticeships, other achievements (if applicable).
We offer:
Work in a research project financed by the National Science Center
Please submit the following documents to:
Email: pawel.szarek@cent.uw.edu.pl entitle your message: “Hi-Ox aplikacja”
Termin nadsyłania aplikacji: 21/10/2018
Słowa kluczowe: Theoretical modelling