Ubiegłe Seminaria i Konferencje

21 maja 2021 - (WEBINAR) prof. Marta Wiśniewska, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by prof. Marta Wiśniewska,  Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw Title: One (autism-associated) gene and and its many functions in the development of a neural circuit architecture and function Date: 21st May 2021 (Friday) Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Summer Time) Host: prof. Joanna Trylska Virtual seminar: […] >>
14 maja 2021 - (WEBINAR) Jeff Palatini, PhD and Krzysztof Goryca, PhD, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by  Jeff Palatini PhD, head of Genomics Core Facility, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw and  Krzysztof Goryca PhD, Genomics Core Facility, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw Title: “To Seq or Not to Seq: An Overview of RNA-based sequencing Informatics” Date: 14th May 2021 (Friday) […] >>
7 maja 2021 - (WEBINAR) Prof. Wojciech Grochala, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by Prof. Wojciech Grochala,  Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw Title: Electric current without paying a penny for your energy transmission bill. Date: 7th May 2021 (Friday) Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Summer Time) Host: prof. Joanna Trylska Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81736319167 Meeting ID: 817 3631 9167 To subscribe to receive announcements […] >>
29 kwietnia 2021 - “Research and Innovation Opportunities for a fossil-free Europe” A SUNERGY & CO2 Value Europe joint brokerage event on EU funding “Research and Innovation Opportunities for a fossil-free Europe” A SUNERGY & CO2 Value Europe joint brokerage event on EU funding   29 April 2021, 13:00 – 16:15 (CET) With the Green Deal and the Climate Law, the European Union (EU) has strongly engaged to take the global lead in mitigating climate change. To serve this […] >>
29 kwietnia 2021 - (WEBINAR) Prof. Alexander Wlodawer, Center for Structural Biology, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by Prof. Alexander Wlodawer, Center for Structural Biology, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA Title: One thousand structures of SARS-CoV-2 proteins, or how the Polish Crystallographic Mafia joined the fight against covid-19 Date: 29th April 2021 (Thursday!) Time: 15:00 pm (Central European Summer Time) Host: prof. Joanna Trylska Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83926960355 […] >>