PhD Student (CeNT-4-2022)

Dziedzina: Chemical sciences

Wyniki konkursu:

As a result of the conducted competition, the stipend committee has recommended Piotr Szkudlarek for the position of PhD student in the research project.
The second PhD student position was not filled.


Director of Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw, with the Project Leader, announce opening of the competition for the position of two PhD Students in the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials – Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.

Tytuł projektu: CHEMCAP. Physicochemical properties and phenomena in a novel chemical capacitor setup.

Kierownik projektu: prof. Wojciech Grochala

Numer konkursu: CeNT-4-2022

For details about the competition, please visit the website of the University of Warsaw.

Termin nadsyłania aplikacji: 14/02/2022

Słowa kluczowe: Theoretical calculations / DFT / periodic crystals