PhD student in Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Signaling

Dziedzina: Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology/Biochemistry/Cancer Biology)

Wyniki konkursu:

W drodze przeprowadzonego konkursu, komisja konkursowa zarekomendowała Tomasza Uśpieńskiego na stanowisko stypendysty – doktoranta w projekcie badawczym. 



Director of Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw, with the Project Leader, announce opening of the competition for the position of PhD Student in the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Signaling – Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.

Project title: Mechanisms of transcriptional repression by Gli proteins in Hedgehog signaling

Project leader: dr hab. Paweł Niewiadomski

Competition numer: CeNT-34-2021

For details about the competition, please go to the website of the University of Warsaw

Termin nadsyłania aplikacji: 01/08/2021

Słowa kluczowe: Hedgehog, transcription factors, CRISPR/Cas9, high-throughput screening, transcriptional repression, cancer