Past Seminars and Conferences

18 November 2022 - (WEBINAR) prof. Henryk Witek, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by prof. Henryk Witek National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan   Title: Aromaticities and spin populations in graphene flakes without quantum chemical calculations Date: 18th November 2022, Friday Time: 1:00 pm (Central European Time) Host: dr Bartosz Trzaskowski The seminar will be on zoom […] >>
26 October 2022 - 26th October 2022,17:00, Professor Marta Szulkin, DARWIN MIESZKA ZA ROGIEM! Darwin mieszka za rogiem – o ekologii i ewolucji w mieście Większość z nas mieszka w miastach – przewiduje się, że do 2050 roku 70% ludności świata  mieszkać będzie w takiej właśnie przestrzeni. Miasto to środowisko bardzo różne od środowiska naturalnego, w którym przez miliony lat ewoluowały organizmy żywe. Na wykładzie prof. Marta Szulkin opowie […] >>
30 September 2022 - (SEMINAR) Rob Scharein, PhD The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Rob Scharein, PhD Title: Why Knots? ~ A Tangled Tale The Mathematics, Art & Science of Knotting and Tangling Date:  30th September 2022, Friday Time: 1:00 pm (Central European Time) Host: Prof. Krzysztof Kazimierczuk The seminar will be in the CeNT aula hall (00.142) on the […] >>
23 September 2022 - 23rd September 2022- (SEMINAR) Tomasz Góral, PhD and Kunal Jha, PhD, Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility, University of Warsaw The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Tomasz Góral, PhD and Kunal Jha, PhD Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility, University of Warsaw   Title: Cryo-EM at CeNT UW: taking structural studies to the next level Date:  23rd September 2022, Friday Time: 1:00 pm (Central European Time) Host: Prof. Krzysztof Kazimierczuk The […] >>
24 June 2022 - (SEMINAR) Prof. Michael Feig, Michigan State University, USA. The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by Prof. Michael Feig Michigan State University, USA.   Title: Protein structures and dynamics via artificial intelligence Date:  24th June 2022, Friday Time: 1:00 pm (Central European Time) Host: Prof. Joanna Trylska The seminar will be in the CeNT aula hall (00.142) on the ground floor […] >>