
Laureates of National Science Centre’s calls The National Science Centre has published the results of MAESTRO,  SONATA BIS, HARMONIA and SONATA. We are very pleased to announce that the laureates are: MAESTRO Wojciech Grochala of Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials SONATA BIS Renata Solarska of Laboratory for Photoelectrochemistry and Solar Energy Conversion HARMONIA Joanna Trylska of Biomolecular Machines Laboratory Krzysztof Kazimierczuk of Laboratory […] >>
Joanna Trylska selected as a member of IUPAP and Theory and Simulation section of F1000Prime We are pleased to announce that Joanna Trylska was selected as the member of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), C6 commission on Biological Physics, to serve in the 2018-2020 term. Furthermore, Joanna has accepted an invitation to be the Faculty Member in F1000Prime (section of Theory and Simulation). You can find the […] >>
ReMedy: Open call for Research Group Leaders The „Regenerative Mechanisms for Health” International Research Agenda Unit (“ReMedy”) has opened a call for Research Group Leaders in order to establish two independent research groups.  The groups, being offered furnished laboratory space and start-up package covering competitive salaries, basic equipment and supplies, will develop innovative research programmes and work on stress-evoked adaptability of cells at the molecular and biochemical […] >>
The launch of a new CeNT webpage We have a pleasure to present you a new webpage of the Centre of New Technologies UW. We hope you will find it useful when looking for any information regarding our facility and the work of our scientists. The idea itself came from Maciej Długosz, PhD, Paweł Niewiadomski, PhD, and Piotr Setny, PhD and was […] >>
Prof. Konrad Banaszek awarded within the International Research Agendas programme We are pleased to announce that prof. Konrad Banaszek has obtained a grant awarded by Foundation of Polish Science under the International Research Agendas programme. Prof. Banaszek, in cooperation with the University of Oxford, will create a research centre at the University of Warsaw focusing on work involving quantum optical technologies. It will be the […] >>
Interview with Anna Wojcicka, MD, regarding the “Badamy Geny” programme Anna Wójcicka, MD, gave an interview to Rzeczpospolita magazine, regarding the revolutionary programme “Badamy Geny” by Warsaw Genomics. For more information, visit the following link. Congratulations! >>
Joanna Sułkowska on the list of the 50 Bold of 2017 Wysokie Obcasy magazine has listed Joanna Sułkowska, PhD, as one of the 50 Bold of 2017. To find out more, we highly encourage you to visit the following link. Congratulations! >>
Gisya Abdi, PhD, was chosen as a new adjunct in Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials Gisya Abdi, PhD, was chosen as a new adjunct in Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials and will take part in the project entitled: “BEACs: new allotropic forms of carbon. Synthesis, doping, and electronic and adsorption properties.” led by Andrzej Szczurek, PhD. Congratulations! >>
Scholarships of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Students and PhD students Minister of Science and Higher Education has awarded scholarships for outstanding achievements in the academic year 2017/2018. The laureates are: from the Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry: Adam Mamot Olga Perzanowska Mateusz Kozarski from Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling : Paweł Dąbrowski-Tumański Aleksandra Gierut from Laboratory of Quantum Molecular Systems: Paweł Wójcik Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk from Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials: Marcin Witkowski from  Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory: Rafał Zaremba Congratulations! >>
Scholarships for outstanding young scientists The scholarships for outstanding young scientists have been awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. We have a pleasure to announce that the laureates are: Dr. Marta Szulkin, the lab leader of the Wild Urban Evolution and Ecology Laboratory Dr. Marcin Kałek, the lab leader of the Laboratory of Asymmetric Catalisys and Dr. […] >>