
Scholarships of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for Students and PhD students Minister of Science and Higher Education has awarded scholarships for outstanding achievements in the academic year 2017/2018. The laureates are: from the Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry: Adam Mamot Olga Perzanowska Mateusz Kozarski from Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biological Systems Modelling : Paweł Dąbrowski-Tumański Aleksandra Gierut from Laboratory of Quantum Molecular Systems: Paweł Wójcik Klaudia Zaremba-Kopczyk from Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials: Marcin Witkowski from  Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory: Rafał Zaremba Congratulations! >>
Scholarships for outstanding young scientists The scholarships for outstanding young scientists have been awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. We have a pleasure to announce that the laureates are: Dr. Marta Szulkin, the lab leader of the Wild Urban Evolution and Ecology Laboratory Dr. Marcin Kałek, the lab leader of the Laboratory of Asymmetric Catalisys and Dr. […] >>
Laureates of the Economy Award Prof. J. Jemielity,  prof. E. Darżynkiewicz  and Dr. J. Kowalska (Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University) have been given the Economy Award of the President of Poland in Research & Development category. Congratulations! To read more, please see the links below:,7,laureaci-nagrody-gospodarczej-prezydenta-rp.html >>
OPUS and PRELUDIUM laureates The National Science Centre has published the results of OPUS and PRELUDIUM calls. We are extremely happy to announce that the laureates are: OPUS Wiśniewska Marta B. Kobielak Agnieszka Antosiewicz Tomasz Baca Mateusz   PRELUDIUM Daszczuk Patrycja (lab. K. Kobielak) Grzelak Adam (lab. W. Grochala) Owarzany Rafał (lab. W. Grochala) Równicki Marcin (lab. J. Trylska) […] >>
Tomasz Zajkowski the of “Mobilność Plus” Ministry of Science and Higher Education has presented the results of Mobilność Plus competition. We have a pleasure to announce that the laureate of this program is Tomasz Zajkowski from Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology. Many congratulations! >>
“Jutronauci” – speech of Dr Joanna Sułkowska Last Wednesday (20 September 2017) Dr Joanna Sułkowska took part in the event “Jutronauci” organized by Gazeta Wyborcza. We invite you to watch the recording, congratulations.,160053,22407847,najwieksza-inspiracja-nie-sa-pieniadze-lecz-ludzie-projektanci.html Odnośnik:,160053,22407847,najwieksza-inspiracja-nie-sa-pieniadze-lecz-ludzie-projektanci.html >>
Danijela Popovic laureate of MINIATURA 1 competition National Science Centre has announced the results of MINIATURA 1 competition. Danijela Popovic is one of the first laureates of the MINIATURA funding scheme for specific single research activities for her work titled “Evaluation of DNA retention in human remains from Maucallacta (Peru) and attempt to reconstruct the social organization of the pre-Colombian population”. Many […] >>
Article in Angewandte Chem The prestigious scientific journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition published an article written by scientists of The Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry. To read the article,please click on the link below: Congratulations to Professor Jemielity and his team. >>
Dr Joanna Sułkowska joined EMBO program Dr Joanna Sułkowska, as the only Polish woman, joined the European Young Organism Program (YIP) program in the European Organization for Molecular Biology (EMBO). The three-year term as Young Investigator is a recognition of the scientific achievements of young researchers already carrying out their own research groups. EMBO offers its Young Investigators a very strong […] >>
Prof. Wojciech Grochala and Dr. Bartosz Trzaskowski laureates of Beethoven 2 competition National Science Centre has announced the results of Beethoven 2 competition. We are pleased to confirm that Prof. Wojciech Grochala and Dr Bartosz Trzaskowski are the laureates of this competition. Many congratulations. >>