
Scientists have tamed dramatic redox reactions All chemical reactions are divided into two families: acid-base and redox ones. The latter are characterized by electron(s) transfer between reagents. Such relations usually release a lot of energy and are hard to control – they are violent and complete. Use of strong oxidizers or reducers for reaction may result in spectacular explosion with an […] >>
Radosnych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy! Z okazji Świąt Wielkiej Nocy pragniemy złożyć całej społeczności akademickiej i naukowej najlepsze życzenia, dużo zdrowia, radości, smacznego jajka, mokrego dyngusa i nadziei w dobrą przyszłość! Pogodnych Świąt! >>
It is with deep regret that we received the news that prof. Zbigniew Darżynkiewicz passed away. It is with deep regret that we received the news that prof. Zbigniew Darżynkiewicz passed away. Professor Zbigniew Darżynkiewicz was a lecturer at the Department of Pathology, Medicine and Microbiology and Immunology at New York Medical College, a member of the Touro College and University System and the director of the Brander Cancer Research Institute. […] >>
Collaboration with Syderal Polska on communications using quantum optics technology University of Warsaw along with the Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies and SYDERAL Polska signed a memorandum of understanding on the cooperation in the field of telecommunication employing quantum technologies. This step will bring about joint R&D projects related to quantum key distribution (QKD) and communication systems based on quantum entanglement. SYDERAL Polska is currently building […] >>
Publication co-authored by Dr. Jan Kolodynski from QOT recognized as editor’s suggestion in Physical Review A journal. We are pleased to announce, that the publication co-authored by Dr. Jan Kołodyński,  Leader of the Laboratory of Quantum Information and Inference of Centre of Quantum Optical Technologies, has been recognized as an editor’s suggestion in Physical Review A published by the American Physical  Society.    The full article is available here:   The “Quantum Optical Technologies” project (Project No. MAB/2018/4) is carried […] >>
MEiN scholarships for significant achievements research for the academic year 2020/2021 On February 19, 2021, the Minister of Education and Science selected a group of 362 students who were awarded scholarships for significant scientific achievements for the 2020/2021 academic year. Among the winners of this prestigious scholarship are students working in CeNT laboratories.   From the Laboratory of Chemical Synthesis Methodology of dr Marcin Kałek: Natalia Wojciechowska; […] >>
SUNERGY online workshop On 2 March 2021, 13:30 – 15:30 pm, SUNERGY will organize the online workshop ‘Fossil-free fuels and chemicals: Strengthening scientific and technological developments in Poland’. The aim of this workshop is to exchange ideas on fossil-free fuels and chemicals, share your work, meet colleagues and discuss how SUNERGY can strengthen developments in Poland. The workshop […] >>
SONATA BIS 10 and MAESTRO 12 results The Coordinators of Disciplines of the National Science Center presented the ranking lists of projects qualified for funding under the competitions announced by the National Science Center on June 15, 2020.   From CeNT, projects in the SONATA BIS competition were awarded to:   Life Sciences: “Analysis of the fossil genomes of small mammals as […] >>
Appointment of members of the Scientific Council of the Physical Sciences Discipline For the Scientific Council of Physical Sciences Discipline in the term of office 2021-2024, among academic teachers holding the title of professor or D.Sc., credentials were obtained from CeNT: 1) prof. dr hab. Konrad Banaszek; 2) dr hab. Joanna Sułkowska; 3) prof. dr hab. Joanna Trylska. >>
Appointment of members of the Scientific Council of the Chemical Sciences Discipline For the Scientific Council of Chemical Sciences Discipline in the term of office 2021-2024, among academic teachers holding the title of professor or D.Sc. degree, credentials were obtained from CeNT: 1) prof. dr hab. Wojciech Grochala  2) prof. dr hab. Jacek Jemielity  3) dr hab. Marcin Kałek >>