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Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology




Prof. Marta Wiśniewska
e-mail: m.wisniewska@cent.uw.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 55 43690
room: 05.51
ORCID: 0000-0002-1593-0361
SCOPUS ID: 7003863560

Brain activity is based on propagation of electrical impulses along the axons of nerve cells and synaptic transmission. Neurons connect with one another to form electrical circuits, which are further grouped into systems that finally make a neural network. One of the systems is the thalamocortical complex – the center of perception and a regulator of the attention and awareness levels. Improper functioning of the thalamo-cortico-thalamic loop may result in some psychotic and affective disorders.

Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology explores molecular mechanisms regulating thalamic identity and function. We are interested in transcriptional control over differentiation and maturation of thalamic neurons, and regulation of thalamic axon growth and guidance to the cerebral cortex. The effects of disturbed development and maintenance of thalamocortical circuits are also under our investigation. We work with primary neuronal cultures, organotypic cultures and in vivo models. We use a variety of molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology techniques. Collaboration with bioinformations, electrophysiologists and behaviorists is always welcome.


Marta Wiśniewska – CV


Prof. Marta Wiśniewska

Suelen Baggio, PhD
Łukasz Szewczyk, PhD

PhD Students
Michael Oluwatosin Gabriel, MSc
Katarzyna Hryniewiecka, MSc
Szymon Ławicki, MSc

Dorota Malicka

Selected Projects

Title Leader Years Funding
Validation of a new mouse model for autism spectrum disorder research M. Wiśniewska 2021-2025 NCN OPUS
The effect of Tcf7l2 knockout on excitation/inhibition balance in neuronal circuits of the thalamus K. Hryniewiecka 2024-2027 NCN PRELUDIUM
The role of the astrocytic transcription factor TCF7L2 in synapse development Ł. Szewczyk 2021-2025 NCN SONATA
Changes in transcription factor isoforms as a mechanism to switch gene expression during the differentiation of thalamic neurons M. Wiśniewska 2018-2022 NCN OPUS
The involvement of LEF1/TCF transcription factors in astrogenesis Ł. Szewczyk 2017-2021 NCN SONATINA
Mapping of the chromatin 3D structure in mouse thalami J.M. Bem 2020-2021 NCN MINIATURA
Astrobiology: The Evolution of Life in the Physical Environment T. Zajkowski 2018-2021 MNiSW Mobilność Plus
Metabolic and behavioral characterization of mice with conditional knockout of Tcf7l2, a risk gene for diabetes and schizophrenia A. Nagalski 2016-2020 NCN OPUS
Transcription factors and afferent connections in shaping molecular diversity of thalamic neurons M. Wiśniewska 2016-2019 NCN OPUS
Działanie 1.1. RPO Mazowsze – Wzmocnienie sektora badawczo-rozwojowego M. Wiśniewska 2014-2015 RPO WM

Selected publications

  • Szewczyk L.M., Lipiec M.A., Liszewska E., Meyza K., Urban-Ciecko J., Kondrakiewicz L., Goncerzewicz A., Rafalko K., Krawczyk T.G., Bogaj K., Vainchtein I.D., Nakao-Inoue H., Puscian A., Knapska E., Sanders S.J., Jan Nowakowski T., Molofsky A.V., Wisniewska M.B.
    Astrocytic β-catenin signaling via TCF7L2 regulates synapse development and social behavior
    (2024) Molecular Psychiatry, 29 (1), pp. 57 – 73
    DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-02281-y
  • Brożko N., Baggio S., Lipiec M.A., Jankowska M., Szewczyk Ł.M., Gabriel M.O., Chakraborty C., Ferran J.L., Wiśniewska M.B.
    Genoarchitecture of the Early Postmitotic Pretectum and the Role of Wnt Signaling in Shaping Pretectal Neurochemical Anatomy in Zebrafish
    (2022) Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 16, art. no. 838567
    DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2022.838567
  • Balcerak A., Macech-Klicka E., Wakula M., Tomecki R., Goryca K., Rydzanicz M., Chmielarczyk M., Szostakowska-Rodzos M., Wisniewska M., Lyczek F., Helwak A., Tollervey D., Kudla G., Grzybowska E.A.
    The RNA-Binding Landscape of HAX1 Protein Indicates Its Involvement in Translation and Ribosome Assembly
    (2022) Cells, 11 (19), art. no. 2943DOI: 10.3390/cells11192943
    DOI: 10.3390/cells11192943
  • Płatek, R.; Rogujski, P.; Mazuryk, J.; Wiśniewska, M.B.; Kaczmarek, L.; Czupryn, A.
    Impaired Generation of Transit-Amplifying Progenitors in the Adult Subventricular Zone of Cyclin D2 Knockout Mice
    (2022) Cells 2022, 11, 135
    DOI: 10.3390/cells11010135
  • Brożko N, Baggio S, Lipiec MA, Jankowska M, Szewczyk ŁM, Gabriel MO, Chakraborty C, Ferran JL, Wiśniewska MB
    Genoarchitecture of the Early Postmitotic Pretectum and the Role of Wnt Signaling in Shaping Pretectal Neurochemical Anatomy in Zebrafish
    (2022) Front Neuroanat. 2022 Mar 9;16:838567
    DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2022.838567
  • Sadowska M, Mehlhorn C, Średniawa W, Szewczyk ŁM, Szlachcic A, Urban P, Winiarski M, Jabłonka JA
    Spreading Depressions and Periinfarct Spreading Depolarizations in the Context of Cortical Plasticity. Neuroscience
    (2021) Neuroscience. 2021 Jan 15;453:81-101.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.10.032.
  • Mazuryk, J.; Puchalska, I.; Koziński, K.; Ślusarz, M.J.; Ruczyński, J.; Rekowski, P.; Rogujski, P.; Płatek, R.; Wiśniewska, M.B.; Piotrowski, A.; et al.
    PTD4 Peptide Increases Neural Viability in an In Vitro Model of Acute Ischemic Stroke
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 6086
    DOI: 10.3390/ijms22116086
  • Lipiec M.A., Bem J., Kozinski K., Chakraborty C., Urban-Ciećko J., Zajkowski T., Dabrowski M., Szewczyk Ł.M., Toval A., Ferran J.L., Nagalski A., Wisniewska M.B.
    TCF7L2 regulates postmitotic differentiation programmes and excitability patterns in the thalamus
    (2020) Development (Cambridge), 147 (16), art. no. dev190181
    DOI: 10.1242/dev.190181
  • Setny P., Wisniewska M.D.
    Water-mediated conformational preselection mechanism in substrate binding cooperativity to protein kinase A
    (2018) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (15), pp. 3852 – 3857
    DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1720024115
  • Misztal K., Brozko N., Nagalski A., Szewczyk L.M., Krolak M., Brzozowska K., Kuznicki J., Wisniewska M.B.
    TCF7L2 mediates the cellular and behavioral response to chronic lithium treatment in animal models
    (2017) Neuropharmacology, 113, pp. 490 – 501
    DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2016.10.027


Prof. Marta Wiśniewska
e-mail: m.wisniewska@cent.uw.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 55 43690
room: 05.51