
CeNT UW scientists discover novel mechanism of mitochondrial diseases Dr. Karthik Mohanraj, Dr. Michał Wasilewski and Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska from the Laboratory of Mitochondrial Biogenesis have discovered a novel mechanism which triggers many mitochondrial diseases. These findings shall have a great impact on introducing new strategies and treatments for patients with mitochondrial diseases. For more information please read about the results in ‘EMBO Molecular […] >>
A Paper from the Quantum Memories Laboratory featured on the cover of Physical Review Letters. The paper from the group of Wojciech Wasilewski from the Centre of Quantum Optical Technologies (QOT) has been featured on the cover of the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters. The team has developed a new method for manipulating single spin waves residing in an optical quantum memory and for the first time demonstrated Hong-Ou-Mandel interference […] >>
CeNT UW researchers receive NCN grants We are pleased to inform that the following researchers have received funding from the National Science Center as part of the SONATA BIS competition and will implement their projects at CeNT UW: Dr. P. Malinowski  – “Highly Lewis acidic metal dication salts with weakly coordinating anions as efficient catalysts for transformations of olefins and alkynes.” […] >>
Prof. Joanna Sułkowska in Nature in a recount on her return to home country Prof. Sułkowska in Nature, in this article about global shifts in our scientific reality and why scientists return to work in their home countries. For more info please visit: >>
Prof. Kargul’s success with SUNRISE mentioned in Nature Prof. Kargul’s Sunrise program in this Nature article about flagship scientific projects. Congratulations! For more info please visit: >>
Prof. Joanna Kargul contributes to the international success of SUNRISE Consortium “Solar energy for a circular economy”, a project of SUNRISE, a consortium of European academic and non-academic research institutions and business, has been selected as one of the six Coordination and Support Actions (CSA) within the Horizon 2020 programme. It will set the basis for a European large – scale research project. UW participates in […] >>
21.01.2019 Signing the contract for purchasing Cryo-TEM From the left: Jakub Chocyk (Labsoft), Agnieszka Chacińska (CeNT UW), Rafał Wierzchosławski (CeNT UW), Krzysztof Herman (Labsoft). >>
Recent publication co-authored by Prof. Joanna Trylska featured on the cover of Chemical Communications We are pleased to inform, that a photo representing the results of research of Prof. Joanna Trylska (see attachment) on the use of transport properties of vitamin B12 for penetration of bacterial cells has been featured on the cover of the prestigious scientific journal Chemical Communications. Prof. Trylska co-authored the publication with a group of […] >>
CeNT UW scientists, headed by Prof. Wojciech Grochala, co-authors of publication in PNAS On 16 January, in the American scientific journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America” an article was published, co-authored by scientists from the University of Warsaw under the leadership of Professor Wojciech Grochala from the Centre for New Technologies of the University of Warsaw. Researchers presented a new […] >>
Scholarships for young CeNT UW scientists Let’s congratulate Małgorzata Domańska, Dominika Strzelecka, Marcin Witkowski, Wojciech Wegner, Radosław Wójcik and Albert Roethel for receiving scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements in the academic year 2018/2019 for students and doctoral students. For more details please visit: Congratulations to All! >>