Postdoc positions in the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials

Field: Chemistry, Physics

Results of the competition:

As part of the conducted procedure, the Competition Committee recommended the candidacy of Dr Adam Grzelak and Dr Subrahmanyam Bandaru for the post of Postdoctoral Researcher.


Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials announces competition for 2 positions with the opportunity of postdoctoral internships in the field of chemistry and physics:
research on the physicochemical properties of silver (II) fluoride.

Synthesis and analysis using a wide spectrum of modern experimental methods; for interested candidates  – calculation using the theoretical state-of-the-art methods for periodic systems (3D).


Fellowship monthly (gross): 10000 PLN (postdoc)

Position starts on 01.10.2018

Candidate’s profile:
·  Very good grades from III degree studies, as well as good scientific publications output from doctoral studies period,

·  Very good knowledge of English,

·   Ability to work independently,

·   Highly motivated, reliable, organized, analytical thinker and team-worker.


Required documents (including a consent on the processing of personal data):
·   CV and letter of motivation,

·   A copy of the candidate’s grades card from doctoral studies,

·  A copy of a bachelor paper (PDF format) or an information about expected time of defence,

·  List of scientific publications, scholarships and awards (if applicable),

·  List of conferences together with the title and authors of presentations (if applicable),

·  Information about internships, apprenticeship etc. (if applicable),

·   Contact details (e-mail, telephone number) of the supervisor of doctoral thesis (for recommendation.


Please submit the following documents to:

University of Warsaw,

Centre of New Technologies, ul. Banacha 2c, room 3079, 02-097 Warsaw

with annotation “Maestro postdoc application”
or e-mail subject

“Maestro postdoc application”

Deadline: 12/06/2018

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