Postdoc (Senior Assistant)(CeNT-3-2022)

Field: Chemical sciences

Results of the competition:

No candidates have been rocommended for this position.


Director of Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw, with the approval from the Rector of the University of Warsaw, announces opening of the position of Postdoc (Senior Assistant) in the group of researchers in the Chemical and Biological Systems Simulation Lab Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.

Project title: Embedding methods in quantum chemistry – pushing the boundaries of modeling molecular properties of complex systems with heavy elements.

Project leader: Małgorzata Olejniczak, PhD

Competition number: CeNT-3-2022

For details about the competition, please visit the website of the University of Warsaw.

Deadline: 15/04/2022

Tags: quantum chemistry, quantum embedding theories, molecular properties, heavy elements, relativistic effects, theoretical spectroscopy, non-covalent interactions