Discovery Day of the Ochota Campus at CeNT

11 03 2025
Category: CeNT news, Main page
On 22 March, the University of Warsaw will host the 11th Discovery Day of the Ochota Campus (DOKO) of the UW. Those interested in science and natural sciences will be able to visit information stands of faculties and other university units. The event will traditionally begin with a multi-lecture, i.e. lectures by several scientists who will present knowledge from their disciplines. This year’s lecture will be held under the motto ‘A taste for Slow Science’ and will last from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Immediately after the lecture, the audience will be able to take part in a quiz.
Centre of New Technologies will host a number of workshops, events; for the full list see:
A don’t forget to visit the DOKO website at and