BioAI Hackathon at the University of Warsaw!

06 03 2025
Category: CeNT news, Main page
Join us for the first international BioAI Hackathon at the University of Warsaw on May 12-15, 2025! The aim of the 4-day hackathon is to collaboratively address current challenges in biomedical research using new advanced AI approaches. The hackathon will be held at the Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw ( All PhD students, post-docs, and industry researchers are welcome to participate.
Challenges include (but are not exclusive to):
● Graph representation learning for disease gene prioritization
● Developing graph neural networks for gene regulation discovery
● Leveraging large language models for alternative splicing studies
● Discovering cell cycle phase-specific chromatin conformation changes based on single-cell Hi-C and multi-omics data
● Harmonization and imputation of epigenomics data
● Exposome and chromatin structure
You are welcome to suggest your own project idea in the registration form!
Registration form:
Applications open: March 15
Applications close: April 15
Registration and participation are free of charge. We plan to welcome 50 in-person and additional online participants.
Venue: Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw