The Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies
and Centre of New Technologies invite to a seminar by
Prof. Vadim Makarov
Russian Quantum Center, Moscow
Can quantum physics break cryptography’s curse?
Date: July, 23th (Tuesday), 2019 at 4:15 p.m.
Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)
Host: Prof. Konrad Banaszek
Abstract: The history of cryptography is a history of failures. Stronger ciphers replaced broken ones, to be in turn broken again. Quantum cryptography offers a hope to end this replacement cycle, for its security premises on the laws of physics and not on limitations of human ingenuity and computing power. I will tell about ongoing deployment of quantum cryptography networks using fiber-optic and satellite links, and efforts to certify their implementation as secure.
Prof. Vadim Makarov heads the Quantum hacking lab at the Russian Quantum Center, Moscow, where he tests commercial quantum cryptography systems for implementation loopholes.