(WEBINAR) Prof. Petr Slavíček, Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic

event date: 3 December 2021

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by

Prof. Petr Slavíček

Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic

Title: Science of science: What have we learned about ourselves?

Date:  3rd December 2021, Friday

Time: 1:00 pm (Central European Time)

Host: Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, Prof

Zoom linkhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82426581314

Seminars can also be watched in the Auditorium (room 0142).

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Science is one of the best documented human activity. As such, it is also a subject of further scientific research. Originally, investigation of science was dominated by philosophers and sociologists. Arguably, most of the scientists have heard of Karl Popper or Thomas Kuhn. The impact of the science philosophers on the everyday science practice is, however, rather limited. With the increasing body of numerical data, science of science (sometimes called logology) has become more quantitative and it has also attracted interest of scientists from different fields, e.g. physicists. In my presentation, I will first discuss the historical development of the field. Next, I will concentrate on some particular issues, which might be of an interest for practitioning scientists. How much do we publish, where do we publish, how do we distribute money within grant competitions or why are we committing a scientific fraud or how do we recognize in advance highly cited publications? I will argue that the knowledge collected over past years might be useful for those scientists who appear to be involved in science management.