“Research and Innovation Opportunities for a fossil-free Europe” A SUNERGY & CO2 Value Europe joint brokerage event on EU funding

event date: 29 April 2021

“Research and Innovation Opportunities for a fossil-free Europe”

A SUNERGY & CO2 Value Europe joint brokerage event on EU funding


29 April 2021, 13:00 – 16:15 (CET)

With the Green Deal and the Climate Law, the European Union (EU) has strongly engaged to take the global lead in mitigating climate change. To serve this effort, numerous initiatives and funding opportunities are arising to support R&I towards a more sustainable and fossil-free industry.

SUNERGY and CO2 Value Europe are co-organising a brokerage virtual event to present and discuss EU funding opportunities related to Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and fossil free fuels, chemicals and materials.

The event will take place on Thursday, the 29th of April 2021 from 1pm to 4:15pm (CET) and will include presentations of the new Horizon Europe program as well as the Innovation Fund. Moreover, participants will be given the opportunity to pitch their ideas and to participate in match-making networking meetings and round-table discussions during the last hour of the event.

For more information, see agenda below.


About the organisers:

SUNERGY is a pan-European research and innovation platform that gathers science, industry and other key players to work towards the conversion and storage of renewable energy into fossil-free fuels and chemicals to reach a climate neutral Europe.


CO2 Value Europe is a non-profit organization representing the Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) community in Europe. Its mission is to promote the development of sustainable industrial solutions that convert CO2 into valuable products (materials, fuels or chemicals) to mitigate climate change and move away from fossil resources.


Session content Speaker Time Approx. duration
Welcome & introduction Anastasios Perimenis, Secretary General, CVE 5 min 1-2 pm
About C02 Value Europe Célia Sapart, Director Communications & Climate Science, CVE 10 min
About SUNERGY Bert Weckhuysen, Utrecht University, SUNERGY Coordinator 10 min
Horizon Europe: overall approach & vision Søren Bowadt, Deputy Head of Unit, European Health & Digital Executive Agency 15 min
Presentation of Innovation Fund Maria Velkova, Policy Officer, Finance for Low Carbon Innovation, DG CLIMA 10 min
Q&As   10 min
Break     2-2.10 pm
Presentation of most relevant calls in Horizon Europe cluster 4 & 5 Frédéric Chandezon, CEA, SUNERGY Deputy Coordinator 20 min 2.10-3 pm
Pitches ~ 8 pitches foreseen 30 min
Networking/bilateral conversations + breakout sessions (Conversation Starter platform) All speakers and participants   3-4 pm
Conclusions & next steps SUNERGY & CVE   4-4.10 pm
Moderator: Anastasios Perimenis, Secretary General, CVE