PhD Student in the Laboratory of Small Molecules’ Activation

Dziedzina: Chemical sciences

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Konkurs bez rozstrzygnięcia. 


Director of Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw, with the Project Leader, announce opening of the competition for the position of PhD Student in the Laboratory of Small Molecules’ Activation – Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.

Project title: Highly Lewis acidic metal dication salts with weakly coordinating anions as efficient catalysts for transformations of olefins and alkynes, SONATA BIS 8, NCN

Project leader: Przemysław J. Malinowski, PhD

Competition number: CeNT-50.1-2020

For details about the competition, please visit the website of the University of Warsaw.

Termin nadsyłania aplikacji: 14/11/2020

Słowa kluczowe: Highly reactive cations, weakly coordinating anions, catalysis, olefin, alkyne, inorganic synthesis, structural chemistry