The lab studies environment through analyses of satellite data and their integration with models of biological, physical and chemical processes. Our interests concern various spatial scales: from the whole Earth system to individual agricultural fields.
Currently we are working on these projects:
- The extent of eastern Andean tree line over the last 30 years – a global analysis in the context of Amazonia’s climate adaptation. 2015 – 2018, NCN (Sonata)
- LandCor – software for atmospheric correction of optical satellite data (Landsat / Sentinel 2)
- A global set of local climate change characteristics based on database of Global Circulation Models’ runs, CMIP5 – a pattern-scaling dataset for the weather and climate simulator IMOGEN (Integrated Model Of Global Effects of climatic aNomalies)
- Satellite data analysis in support of evolutionary biology research (in collaboration with the Wild Urban Evolution and Ecology Lab)
- Technical support for the SatAgro project (an Internet service for an ongoing satellite monitoring of individual agricultural fields)
phone: +48 22 55 43665
room: 02.54
Dr Przemysław Żelazowski is an assistant professor at the Centre of New Technologies (CeNT), University of Warsaw. His interests are interdisciplinary and focus on relations between lants (forests, crops) and their environment, also in the context of the whole Earth system. He also specialises in satellite remote sensing. In 2010 he defended a doctorate at the University of Oxford (Environmental Change Institute). He also holds an MSc degree in Environmental Change and Management (ECI, Oxford), and an Interdisciplinary MSc degree in Environmental Protection from the University of Warsaw. Before CeNT he worked for the Met Office Hadley Centre, FAO UN, and Centre for Space Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr Zelazowski is also a founder and CEO of SatAgro (a satellite monitoring service for individual farms) and GeoPulse (University of Warsaw’s spin-off; crop monitoring at regional scale).
Zelazowski P., Huntingford C., Mercado L. M., Schaller N. (2018). Climate pattern-scaling set for an ensemble of 22 GCMs – adding uncertainty to the IMOGEN version 2.0 impacts system. Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 541-560
Mercado L., Medlyn B., Huntingford C., Oliver R., Clark D., Sitch S., Zelazowski P., Kattge J., Harper A., Cox P. (2018) Large sensitivity in land carbon storage due to geographical and temporal variation in the thermal response of photosynthetic capacity. New Phytologist, 218(4), 1462-1477
Arnell NW, et al. (2016). The impacts of climate change across the globe: A multi-sectoral assessment, Climatic Change 134: 457-474
Arnell NW, et al. (2016). Global-scale climate impact functions: the relationship between climate forcing and impact, Climatic Change 134: 475-487
Cole E. F., P. R. Long, Zelazowski P., Szulkin M., Sheldon B. C. (2015). Predicting bird phenology from space: satellite-derived vegetation green-up signal uncovers spatial variation in phenological synchrony between birds and their environment. Ecology and Evolution 5(21): 5057-5074
Szulkin M., Zelazowski P., Marrot P., Charmantier A. (2015). Application of High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Characterize Individual-Based Environmental Heterogeneity in a Wild Blue Tit Population. Remote Sensing 7(10): 13319.
Malhi Y, Gardner T. A., Goldsmith G. R, Silman M. R., Zelazowski P. (2014). Tropical forests in the Anthropocene. Annu. Rev. Env. Resour., 39: 125-159
Huntingford C., Zelazowski P., et al. (2013). Simulated resilience of tropical rainforests to CO2-induced climate change. Nature Geoscience 6: 268–273
Feeley K. J., Malhi Y., Zelazowski P., Silman M. (2012). The relative importance of deforestation, precipitation change, and temperature sensitivity in determining the future distributions and diversity of Amazonian plant species. Global Change Biology 18, 2636–2647
Zelazowski P., Sayer A. M., Grainger R. G., Thomas G. E. (2011). Reconciling satellite-derived atmospheric properties with fine-resolution land imagery: Insights for atmospheric correction. J. Geophys. Res. 116, D18308
Bradley A., Gerard F., Barbier N., Weedon G. P., Anderson L. O., Huntingford C., Aragão L. E. O. C., Zelazowski P. (2011). Arai E. Relationships between phenology, radiation and precipitation in the Amazon region. Global Change Biology 17, 2245–2260
Zelazowski P., Malhi Y., Huntingford C., Sitch S., Fisher J. B. (2010). Changes in the potential distribution of humid tropical forests on a warmer planet. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369: 137-160
Huntingford C. et al. (2010). IMOGEN: An intermediate complexity model to evaluate terrestrial impacts of a changing climate. Geosciences Model Development 3: 679–687, 2010
Malhi Y., Aragão L. E. O. C., Galbraith D., Huntingford C., Fisher R., Zelazowski P., Sitch S., McSweeney C., and Meir P. (2009). Exploring the likelihood and mechanism of a climate change-induced dieback of the Amazon rainforest. PNAS 106(49): 20610-20615
Phillips O. et al. (2009). Drought Sensitivity of the Amazon Rainforest. Science 323(5919): 1344-1347.
Szulkin M., Zelazowski P., Nicholson G., Sheldon B.C. (2009). Inbreeding avoidance under different null models of random mating in the great tit. J. Anim. Ecol 78: 778 – 788
Zelazowski, P., Huntingford, C., Mercado, L. M., & Schaller, N. (2018).
Geoscientific Model Development, 11(2), 541.
Mercado, L. M., Medlyn, B. E., Huntingford, C., Oliver, R. J., Clark, D. B., Sitch, S., ... & Cox, P. M. (2018).
New Phytologist, 218(4), 1462-1477
Cole, E. F., Long, P. R., Zelazowski, P., Szulkin, M., & Sheldon, B. C. (2015).
Ecology and evolution, 5(21), 5057-5074.
Szulkin, M., Zelazowski, P., Marrot, P., & Charmantier, A. (2015).
Remote Sensing, 7(10), 13319-13336.
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